View Full Version : Is this a brain tumour?

06-28-2012, 11:08 PM
Hello everyone! I've joined this forum after finding it on Google. I'm going away in a couple of days for a week and I'm terrified about all of the symptoms I've been getting!

I've been spaced out (I think it's derealization) for the past 3/4 years, but it's got a lot more severe in the last couple of weeks. In addition to this, I've had:

Ringing in ears
Pressure in my head/temples/behind my eyes
Twitching of my left toes
Floating shapes in my eyes

I've been to the doctor's a few times but I keep forgetting to mention all of the symptoms, and they just believe that it's anxiety and I'm getting tension headaches. However, I really can't stop worrying that it's something much worse!

I understand that this isn't a forum for medical diagnosis, I'd just like to hear if anyone has had similar symptoms or not.

06-28-2012, 11:17 PM
`Its anxiety i have had all these symptoms and the more you think about it the longer it stays and gets worse

06-29-2012, 05:17 PM
Hello everyone! I've joined this forum after finding it on Google. I'm going away in a couple of days for a week and I'm terrified about all of the symptoms I've been getting!

I've been spaced out (I think it's derealization) for the past 3/4 years, but it's got a lot more severe in the last couple of weeks. In addition to this, I've had:

Ringing in ears
Pressure in my head/temples/behind my eyes
Twitching of my left toes
Floating shapes in my eyes

I've been to the doctor's a few times but I keep forgetting to mention all of the symptoms, and they just believe that it's anxiety and I'm getting tension headaches. However, I really can't stop worrying that it's something much worse!

I understand that this isn't a forum for medical diagnosis, I'd just like to hear if anyone has had similar symptoms or not.

You sound like me. I get horrible head pressure and numbness, muscle twitches, ear ringing and the list goes on. I had a catscan and still think something it's right. Do you have insomnia too?

06-29-2012, 05:46 PM
Anxiety. I have exhibited all of those concurrently at one point or another. If you're really worried, consult your doctor. You'll likely get a CT.

06-29-2012, 05:54 PM
It looks like everybody in this forum have been worried about a brain tumor at some point, but it always turns out to be anxiety.

06-29-2012, 08:38 PM
Most likely is..................................anxiety. Alankay

07-02-2012, 10:14 AM
Had the most vicious pressure on top of my head today- thought I was going to blackout!! Blurred vision flushing and shaking! It's doing me in- read up tumours,strokes and anything else I can die from! If is ain't one thing it's another can't deal with it any more
Any suggestions?? Doc ain't interested you can see as I walk through the door she just wants to say anxiety!! Can it really all be anxiety??

07-02-2012, 10:17 AM
Definitely anxiety. Anxiety can give you the strangest symptoms...I've had all of those at some point. When you bring your anxiety levels down,the symptoms subside. You need to start realizing this is just anxiety,so you don't jump to any ridiculous conclusions and scare yourself for no reason. Think positive :)

07-02-2012, 11:28 AM
Thanks for that- I do try and stay positive but there's always something if it's not my depression it's anxiety if it's not that it's my hypercondrea don't think I spelt that right;) or paranoia- I used to be so strong- no more! I can't cope with it all and my husband doesn't understand at all- waiting on therapy- its all just too much