View Full Version : that time of the month :)

Serenity 7
06-28-2012, 06:51 PM
thats the 3 rd month in a row my anxiety has peaked days before my time of the month.spoke to my doc about it but she never really said much.anybody else get this

06-28-2012, 09:59 PM
I've also noticed that my anxiety gets worse right before that time of the month (we call it shark week at our house, lol). A couple of days after it starts, I start to feel a little better.

06-28-2012, 10:46 PM
Me :/ my cheat feels funnier and I have more palpitations then

06-28-2012, 11:06 PM
Funny I was just going to ask the same thing!! It sucks... I was doing fine then bam big anxiety tonight and I want to cry. :-(

06-28-2012, 11:13 PM
It happens to me all the time. It's probably because our hormones are totally out of wack. I almost dont mind when it happens then because I link my physical symptoms to that, which in turn doesn't make me panic about them.

06-29-2012, 01:48 AM
The same time i started bein super anxious, i began a period that never ended for 3 months. So doc put me on birth control to control my periods. Im hoping this helps my anxiety as im sure my flailing hormones were making things worse! Im only on day 2 so itll be a few weeks before im adjusted. Im really positive about it though. Obgyn says theres a definite relationship between irregular or heavy menstrual cycles and depression/anxiety

06-29-2012, 02:13 AM
<tip toes very gently & quietly across this thread>

no place for a man...


06-30-2012, 08:59 PM
Me too!!! I'm gonna start on birth control also because I feel extreme anxiety and depression about all month long but it's worse two weeks before

07-01-2012, 05:34 AM
safe to enter this thread yet?

<looks round and sees a handful of stressed girlies... slowly closes the door and leaves again>

07-01-2012, 11:16 AM
Ya know, my most recent bout of anxiety and panic started right about my time too. I'm sure the hormones didn't help the fact that my husband and I are in some pretty dire financial issues right now. :3

Serenity 7
07-01-2012, 06:21 PM
apparently its pretty common.i am now taking the pill to see if that helps.cant have a flare up every month.and sorry dazza it had to said lol

07-02-2012, 12:17 PM
Urghh yes I get this. I didn't even realize it was probably related until my boyfriend pointed it out,that I seem to get way more anxious right before/during. Actually,my super bad anxiety started while I was on my period and I had a lot of trouble for months trying to even function normally. So now I make sure I skip my placebo birth control pills and just don't get my period. I would suggest you do that too. You stay hormonally balanced that way.

Serenity 7
07-02-2012, 03:04 PM
oh that sounds interesting might try that

07-02-2012, 09:10 PM
I'm definitely extra weepy during shark week (also called that at my place courtesy of weeds!), but some of you might find it interesting that birth control REALLY messes up my moods full stop.

Like I have tried SO many versions of The Pill - anything heavy dose makes me randomly vomit anything low dose (even things like nuvaring) has amplifies my depression terribly.

07-03-2012, 01:13 AM
I'm definitely extra weepy during shark week (also called that at my place courtesy of weeds!), but some of you might find it interesting that birth control REALLY messes up my moods full stop.

Like I have tried SO many versions of The Pill - anything heavy dose makes me randomly vomit anything low dose (even things like nuvaring) has amplifies my depression terribly.

I love weeds!!!! So stoked about season 8!

You should try lo loestrin. Its such a low dose that they use two lo's lol. Its new, and i like it so far. No issues with side effects for me. Nuvaring from what ive read has alot more side effects than the pill

07-03-2012, 01:18 AM
Urghh yes I get this. I didn't even realize it was probably related until my boyfriend pointed it out,that I seem to get way more anxious right before/during. Actually,my super bad anxiety started while I was on my period and I had a lot of trouble for months trying to even function normally. So now I make sure I skip my placebo birth control pills and just don't get my period. I would suggest you do that too. You stay hormonally balanced that way.

I think im going to do this too. My period is so jacked up. If i even take it an hour late, my period comes. Such bs. And i have 26 active pills with what i take so im thinking skipping 2 placebo pills wouldnt really matter. Is it safe to just never get your period? Lol just wanna make sure i dont make myself infertile. I know my dr said he has ppl skip the placbos who have really bad pmdd

07-03-2012, 09:18 AM
I think im going to do this too. My period is so jacked up. If i even take it an hour late, my period comes. Such bs. And i have 26 active pills with what i take so im thinking skipping 2 placebo pills wouldnt really matter. Is it safe to just never get your period? Lol just wanna make sure i dont make myself infertile. I know my dr said he has ppl skip the placbos who have really bad pmdd
Well, if your not trying to get pregnant you have no medical need for a period. However,your still supposed to get 3 a year. Not sure why,that's what my doctor told me. Yeah bc is a nuisance. Set an alarm on your phone so you take it at literally the same second every day lol. That's what I have to do