View Full Version : Just need some words of affirmation please.

06-28-2012, 09:49 AM
I've posted here a couple of times. I'm struggling through an acute anxiety attack. I've been struggling for about a week. My doctor upped my medication and I started it on Tuesday. I know it takes a bit for the medicine to begin to work at the increased dose, but I am miserable. .5 of xanax doesn't always take it all away. I've been walking, trying to eat, doing breathing exercises, and seeing my therapist...but I am absolutely miserable. I just need some reaffirmation that I am going to be ok and that I will start to feel normal again.

Thanks! Please share your experiences!

06-28-2012, 10:26 AM
These feelings are completely normal and they will certainly go away. You're just going through a tough period, try to relax and wait until it's gone. There's really nothing to worry about.