View Full Version : Ugh...the 1st step is admitting I have anxiety, right?

06-27-2012, 04:57 PM
Hi everyone :)

My name is Amy, I am 31 years old and have 2 boys, 10 yrs old & 6 yrs old. *deep breath* 2 1/2 weeks ago, I had the extreme displeasure of having an anxiety attack. (The ER Doctor told me it was an anxiety attack, not a panic attack, because I didn't have chest pains, or other such pains, I don't know if there is a difference between anxiety/panic attacks, or not, but that is what I was told) So, I felt terrified of something, I don't know what, and I even knew that there was nothing to be scared of, I was getting ready for bed for goodness sake, and I felt fine, until all of the sudden bam, I felt super hot, shaky, my heart was racing, and I was TERRIFIED. An hour later, I waved the white flag and went to the ER (this was on a Sunday night around 11pm). Two hours later, and after a million blood/urine tests to make sure there wasn't something else going on, they started an IV and gave me Ativan....wow, 20 mins later, I felt normal again, except for being exhausted from the fight I had just been in, and boy was it a fight. Almost 3 hours of feeling like I needed to crawl out of my own skin...and it sucked, big time. They sent me home with a referral to an anxiety counselor, and a prescription for Xanex, which I have not taken, Xanex scares me after reading about it. (Yes, I am one of those that the pharmacy should NOT give the side effects thingy to :)

So here I am, 2 1/2 weeks later, and although I haven't had another attack like that, where I have felt THAT terrified, I have this general feeling of uneasiness (butterflies in tummy, short spells of that "whoa that scared me" feeling) most days. There have been a few days out of these past 2 1/2 weeks where I have felt almost normal, but almost every day, I can feel the anxiety in the background, trying to push it's way forward. So far I have been lucky, and have been able to talk myself out of letting the anxiety break through and cause an attack, but on days where it's always there, it really is mentally exhausting, constantly fighting with myself about these irrational fears.

I am to the point where I can definitely admit there have been A LOT of stresses in my life recently. My husband and I separated about a month ago, my Gramps passed away about 2 months before that, I am in the process of switching jobs (same company, same position, just different location)...those are just a few of the major stresses lately. I guess I didn't realize that I was feeling this stress, to this extent, until that Sunday night. Looking back now, there were definitely signs that this was coming, even before the major stresses I mentioned above. For the last 3 yrs or so, I have had occasional "panicky" type feelings, that I have always just shrugged off....obviously that was a huge mistake.

I did start seeing the counselor, who I really like, however I'm not sure he takes as aggressive of an approach as I would like, at this point in time, I just want to feel normal again, and I want to stop fighting this uneasiness that I feel almost every day, and I want that to happen NOW, however, I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen, is it? Ugh... I have read a lot of posts, is there any one in particular, that I should focus in on, to learn to stop this uneasy feeling?....or does anyone have any advice? I have started meditation, which I should have been doing loooooong before now, so much easier to fall asleep :) .... I also take B Complex Vitamins, suggested by the counselor I am seeing. Are my expectations way too high? It's been 2 1/2 weeks, I just feel like I should be having more days without the uneasy feeling, than I am having with it.

Thanks in advance guys....I know you are constantly having to reassure people....know that what you do, is priceless advice to "newbies" like myself :)


06-29-2012, 01:31 PM
Amy. I know your on the right path and your right it won't just go away overnight. That's not to say there is no hope but rather that you've conditioned yourself to think in a certain manner that may have worked for you but isn't anymore. Change your thinking change how you see your anxiety as devastating. It's not the anxiety we fear but the feelings and effects associated with it. A dear friend said to me life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react to it. I'm 41 and have struggled with both anxiety and depression for a long time. I have to say I've experienced all the effects. Trips to Er, having a heart attack, you name it I've had it. Truth is there is great hope and great success at overcoming your bad (thinking) habits. The first step is recognition and wanting to change. So I say Pat yourself on the back for going that far. Success is in the doing. Shot term pain long term gain. Good luck.

07-08-2012, 05:54 PM
That's not to say there is no hope but rather that you've conditioned yourself to think in a certain manner that may have worked for you but isn't anymore. Change your thinking change how you see your anxiety as devastating. It's not the anxiety we fear but the feelings and effects associated with it.

Thank you SO much for the reply! So there IS hope, that I will eventually "get past" letting this affect me to this extent? Youre right, I do fear/fight the physical feelings, and I am definitely willing to change my way of thinking, and hopefully the counselor can help me with that. Over this past week, I have given up fighting the panicky feelings on my own, and have actually been using the Xanax the doctor gave me, however I have been breaking them in half, and have only needed to take a total of .75mg in one day, and that has only happened one of the days. Out of the last 9 days, I have used the Xanax 5 of those days...which seems like a lot to me, but I guess in all reality, the doctor prescribed .5mg three times per day...so I feel a little good that I have only had to use a maximum of half of the prescribed dose, and Im not using it every day. Im still a little scared of the medication, but I do admit that it helps, tremendously. Can someone please reassure me, about the use of Xanax, in the way I have described? Right now, I think I am looking at it as more of an enemy, than an ally, and I know that cant be helping...I just want to go back to feeling completely like me again, and I worry that will not happen :(

07-10-2012, 01:37 AM
Hi Amy , I have 2 boys a similar age to yours :-)

I think you are doing really well considering you have had a break up & all the other outside stresses in your life at the moment . You are bound to be feeling anxious !!

I think that Xanax can be taken exactally as you are doing , just start with a tiny bit & see if it helps & play about with it as & when you need , using the lowest dose that helps !! That makes perfect sense . The docs dosage is just a general guide to what you "can" take ( if needed) .

Message me anytime if you want to :-) jessy

07-10-2012, 01:38 AM
P.s we are the same age also :-)

07-12-2012, 09:30 AM
Hi Jessy!

Thank you for replying to my question about the medication. I am REALLY fighting taking it, to help me get through this...and I think that is actually making the anxiety worse :( For the 1st few weeks, I refused to take the medication, and I was constantly worrying/thinking about the anxiety, and having another full panic attack, now, that I have kind of accepted the medication, I don't worry about those things anymore, but I have replaced it with worrying over the medication...this is a viscous cycle...UGH. The nurse at my doctors office, and the local pharmacist, are both probably going to disown me, because I have asked them SO many questions about Xanax, and taking it lolol! I have been reassured (I use reassured lightly, because even though they have explained to me several times, my mind still wants to think differently) that for 6 months to a year, I may need to take the medication more regularly than I would like, but that it is all part of the process of trying to work through this, they tell me it is always worse in the beginning.

All I know, is I am pretty worried, that I will have to take a medication, forever, to control this, and that is kind of devastating to me :(

How super cool that we are the same age, and have kids about the same age! What you do, taking time out to talk to people who are new to anxiety/panic....is super awesome, thank you for caring about others!!
