View Full Version : Is anxiety worse in heat? Heat intolerance and anxiety

06-27-2012, 04:50 PM
Is your anxiety worse in heat?

06-27-2012, 06:18 PM
In general, yes. Thats why when im driving i have the air on full blast. I live in FL and my ac broke my house was so hot and it made me feel so anxious and lethargic. I hated it

06-27-2012, 10:13 PM
I hate being hot because of it. When I have anxiety its the first thing I feel is heat. Mine is also closely related to acid reflux. I am having a bad attack right now. I just wish I wasn't so scared every time this happened. And I wish I could just learn to live with it. But it seems to just get bad. Then ok. Then bad again.

06-27-2012, 10:45 PM
I feel more anxious when it's hot outside. I always have a fan on me when I'm indoors. The cool air keeps me calm. I always start to heat up and sometimes sweat when I get anxious.

06-28-2012, 12:18 AM
Sweating and feeling hot is a common side effect of anxiety. I've had moments where I'm sitting there pretty calm and all of a sudden I'll heat up like i've
been stuffed in a microwave oven on full power.

What happens is; you may start to feel a little warm... your irrational, anxious mind starts to panic, which in turn causes more apparent heat. Thus you create a positive-feedback loop between mind and body which leads to the familiar viscious circle we have to endure so bloody often.

Keeping cool is always a good idea for anxious folk. A fan has helped me out no end of times.

As always folks, remember... it's just an adrenalin rush causing the rise in heat. Nothing more.

06-28-2012, 08:16 AM
I really struggle a bit more in the heat - especially when it is muggy and still. I used to love summer - I was a self coined 'heatophile', but I also find that as I get older I'm less tolerant to extremes in heat and cold. I just get uncomfortable, which is sometimes enough to trigger panic and anxiety.

It's really important to stay hydrated in the warm weather. I have bottles of chilled water on me at all times and take little sips to replenish the fluids I lose through sweating.

06-28-2012, 09:33 AM
Personally when it's REALLY hot and I am getting anxiety symptoms I'll immediately think "Oh god I'm dehydrated, I'm going to collapse, etc."

I've just done my best to stay super hydrated. I bought a nice water bottle and I'll sip on it throughout the day. It's done wonders not only for my body, but also for my mind as I know I'm hydrated.

06-28-2012, 02:57 PM
Yes I am the same way. I always have to blast The AC. Sometimes I will get a sudden hot flash and then I always have a panic attack. I think that's why heat triggers anxiety for me. I think we subconsciencely associate the heat with panic so it causes anxiety.

08-18-2012, 04:26 PM
Oh yes, I hate it when it is hot out. It makes my attacks worse.

Is your anxiety worse in heat?

07-08-2013, 05:44 PM
Hi, I was very relieved when I read your thread! I've been suffering from acid reflux for over a month now, which is accompanied by anxiety (and sometimes a panic attack), and on Saturday and today, I had a full-blown panic attack after I had been out in the heat and came inside. The heat has never bothered me like this before, and it helps to know I'm not alone and to know that a panic attack is an adrenal rush and nothing more. Do you have any suggestions that would help? Thank you.

07-08-2013, 05:52 PM
Hi, I was very relieved when I read your thread! I've been suffering from acid reflux for over a month now, which is accompanied by anxiety (and sometimes a panic attack), and on Saturday and today, I had a full-blown panic attack after I had been out in the heat and came inside. The heat has never bothered me like this before, and it helps to know I'm not alone and to know that a panic attack is an adrenal rush and nothing more. Do you have any suggestions that would help? Thank you.

It was very hot here today. It took every ounce of energy I had left after work, to fight off a panic attack. I know it's the heat! I was worried about it all day. As soon as I got home it started. The feelings I got were nausea and chest pain. I wanted to fall asleep, but couldn't . In helping, I can suggest, don't exert yourself and don't think bad thoughts. Good luck!

07-09-2013, 01:06 AM
Certainly more of a struggle. I want to invest in a decent fan as my home one is simply pitiful. As with any anxiety symptom though you feel better when you're comfortable and kept busy. Hence when i'm driving with A/C blasting I feel perfect :)
