View Full Version : confused, advice please

06-27-2012, 12:38 PM
Hey guys

im really confused atm to as why im feeling the way i am
iv suffered from anxiety for about a year and a half now
to start of it was really bad but now its not that bad as i went 2/3 months without and anxiety
however in the last month my anxiety has came back and i really dont understand why

my anxiety started after i spent a long period with my girlfriend to the day she had to go home, that day i freaked out and had an anxiety attack cus she was going home

now im confused because these days i come to take my girlfriend home and im fine however i feel anxious in the day so i cant say its because she is going home

the problems im having are these
- i wake up in the morning feeling anxious/down
- if i have a nap in the day time i will wake up feeling anxious/down
- randomly around early evenings i will feel anxious

i really dont know why this is happening
i cant say iv got much stress, just stress form video games and arguments with the girlfriend (nothing major)
i work out, eat fairly healthy, do hobbies etc so i cant say im depressed
its just really starting to get on my nerves cus it seem this is happening to me for no reason and i feel powerless against it

some advice would be very helpful and id be really helpful

06-27-2012, 02:28 PM
I have the exact same problems, I feel anxious after waking up (even if it's just a nap) and in early evenings. Maybe the fact that your girlfriend was leaving made you sad and raised your stress level. The way I try to deal with these feelings is to understand that they are just a consequence of high stress, it's nothing to be scared of, your brain is just in an "aware" state looking for a threat. Try to accept these symptoms, let them run their course and work your way on relaxing a little bit. Reading on the subject makes me feel way better too, knowing the reasons you feel this way is the key to get rid of it.