View Full Version : Shingles

06-27-2012, 09:37 AM
I'm 28 and this is the second time I have had shingles due to stress. Feel like I can't take much more dumped on me. I am on 16 pills, 6 different ones a day for all my crap. I have gerd and am also having tendon issues in my elbow. Really sucks to take all these meds when u have anxiety over meds agh!!!! Just needed to vent feel like I'm being put thru the ringer!!

06-27-2012, 09:59 AM
I'm 28 and this is the second time I have had shingles due to stress. Feel like I can't take much more dumped on me. I am on 16 pills, 6 different ones a day for all my crap. I have gerd and am also having tendon issues in my elbow. Really sucks to take all these meds when u have anxiety over meds agh!!!! Just needed to vent feel like I'm being put thru the ringer!!

Think about how much stronger this is making you. You're going to look back at these times in the future and remember how much you can handle and how strong you were.