View Full Version : I Cant't Trust Anybody!!!

06-27-2012, 04:24 AM
I've always had anxiety and I have MAJOR trust issues. A few years ago my ex boyfriend cheated on me, and ever since then every relationship I've had, I've ended up ruining it because I just couldn't trust them. (even though the majority of the time they gave me no reason not to trust them).

I've now been with my boyfriend for about 8 months, and I'm trying so hard to make this relationship last. Most of the time, things are really perfect between the 2 of us. But then something little will happen that will start making me really suspicious. For example, if he doesn't reply to a text straight away.. Automatically, a million thoughts start going through my head. I can't help thinking that he might be cheating on me, or hiding something from me. It seriously drives me crazy!

My major concern is that I don't want my anxiety to ruin another one of my relationships. Sometimes I just feel so confused about everything. I don't know if I should be blaming my anxiety on these problems, or if I really should be worried, and my boyfriend is cheating on me.

Does anyone else feel this way in relationships?? I'm just starting to feel like I'll never get over it, and I'll never be able to trust anyone! :(

06-30-2012, 04:18 AM
Can I ask how old you are?

There is one, maybe two problems here:

The obvious one is that you clearly have issues with self confidence/rationality (damaged by the previous cheating) and the possible second is perhaps you're going for the wrong guys?

Do you find yourself attracted to a certain type of bloke? (if so, please describe)

Also, it seems you don't like being single and so you keep hopping from one relationship to another. Is this true?
(There's nothing wrong with being single and it's best to be happy with yourself (as a single entity), before throwing yourself into relationships)

You should KNOW if a relationship is solid or not. The knowing should be instinctive (unless the other party is a pro. at deception)
This knowing usually comes with experience (hence I'm thinking you're quite young)

If he's not doing anything wrong then leave the guy alone and stop your unnecessary panicking.
If you're unclear on how he feels about you then maybe he's not right for you and you're just in this relationship for the sake of being in a relationship?