View Full Version : hi i'm new here :)

06-26-2012, 05:57 PM
hi i'm elliot, i'm 18 years old and have been dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and depression all my life, but only recently it's gotten a lot worse. i've been on medication in the past but nothing has ever really helped.

i recently graduated highschool and since then my anxiety and panic attacks have worsened greatly. it's gotten so bad that i have several episodes of panic every day at random, or triggered by very minor things. i used to self harm in the past and lately i'm having urges again that are difficult to control. i'm always tired no matter how much i sleep, i hardly eat and i just feel sick all the time. sometimes i can barely finish daily tasks like bathing or getting dressed.

this is taking over my life and i need to get control over it soon. if it weren't for my girlfriend being as amazing and supportive as she is i don't know where i'd be right now, but i just really need to get better, i don't know how much longer i can deal with feeling like this. hopefully this forum helps me some. i look forward to getting to know you all. :)

06-27-2012, 01:01 PM
I have been dealing with my anxiety for over 8 years now and I get the random attacks throughout the day. Medication is just not for me. I try and keep it out of my body cause I just don't like the idea of swallowing chemicals. I have a few things I have found that help me but it is hard because you can't just do them all day. My main one is playing video games. I find it distracting enough to take me out of my element. Number 2 is drawing (sadly I should be doing this more than playing video games). 3 I stick my face in the ice box and try and control my breathing. The cold air really relaxes me. Recently, I have taken up exercising again and ridding booze from my life. It is making the symptoms less severe but recently I am under so much stress I don't think it matters.

Basically, find hobbies that take you out of your element. Cooking, art, music, exercise, gaming, reading, cleaning, etc.

Also, find reasons to feel good. Pick out some form of difficult project and set your sights on completing a little of it day by day. Having a sense of accomplishment can boost your self worth and lift some of that depression. I know it is really hard not to get into the self loathing void that comes with dealing with these symptoms. I often feel very outcast-ed and I feel I am a burden to all those that are close to me. Also, I just started using these forums as well and I feel like just typing out all of my symptoms and my triggers helps immensely. It also feels good to witness people with similar issues.

We all may have varying degrees of anxiety and panic attacks and symptoms and ticks... but we all fight the same day to day struggle. Just know none of us are alone.