View Full Version : Just cant cope feeling like this HELP

02-05-2007, 05:10 AM
I just cant cope feeling like this anymore, evrey morning when I wake up I just dont want to get up and start another day, Im scared to go out as I feel so so bad, I feel shit most of the time, I just want my life back, Im always tired shakey just a feeling of no hope all the time, never want to look forward, always full of regret, want to stay in all the time and when I do go out I feel shit, I want my life back I feel like I must have some real serious illness to be feeling like this all the time, Im a no good wife or mother or daughter like this. I sound mad maybe I am mad.

02-05-2007, 09:55 AM
Firstly "YOU ARE NOT MAD" you have very common anxiety symptoms. You maybe depressed because of these symptoms. You may have even become agrophobic because of them. But you are not mad or alone. Most people with anxiety I think the stats are about 80% also get depressed. Due to the impact on our lives this is not suprising. The first most important steps are the following:

1. Admit to yourself, really admit to yourself what is wrong.
2. Realise you are not alone, 1 in 6 people have anxiety at one point or another in thier lives. (thats the illness not the genral feeling, everyone gets anxious somtimes.)
3. Seek help.

By being here hopefully you are well on your way to steps one and two. Now look to number three. Seek Help. Talk to your doctor, find a thrapist, read up on anxiety, ask questions here, read others posts, talk to anyone you feel comfortable talking to about this. Good Luck.

We are always here if you need us.

Duncan :)

V for Victor
02-05-2007, 10:26 AM
I know exactly how you're feeling.

I would wake up early in the morning and look at the clock, and just wish it would stop, because I knew soon I'd have to get up and spend another day in agony.

The only advice anybody can give you is what Jitters just did.

I just kept putting one foot infront of the other, even though I felt like life was pointless. Eventually, I found out what was wrong with me, realized I wasn't alone (because depression and anxiety tend to turn our attention to ourselves, we forget that other people have these problems too,) and I finally got help.

I'm on medication now in combination with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and I'm doing well. Ocassionally I get a little depressed or afraid, but it passes, and I know how to handle it now.

You can get through this, you just have to apply the powers of your mind, and maybe look into getting professional assistance.

02-06-2007, 06:45 AM
Thanks for replys, it really helps being able to talk to people about this, when I first went to the doctor he gave me xanac tablets 3 times a day for 2 weeks, these made me feel completly normal again, so if I think about this I really do have anxiety and not some terrible illness, as I would never of felt better for those 2 weeks, dont you think??

He gave me more xanax to take when needed but not taking them regually dosent seem to have the effect that the 3 a day did, now I worry that maybe I am ill.

I always thought with something like anxiety you had if on and off not constinley like I seem to have, although I think I feel better than last year, at one time I was staying in bed and feeling a total mess with pains and constant tingling in body which I dont seem to have now,

I am going back to see doctor tomorrow, I really want to get better and get over this, I think I will ask him to let me have the xanac 3 times a day and maybe up the strength of it, what does anyone else think about this, or maybe put me on something else to help me, I did take Lexapro last year but had a really bad reaction to it, is it normal to feel like this for over a year as this is how long its been going on with me,

things in the news are really starting to get to me as well, a woman jumped of a cliff with her 3 year old last week and that really really upset me I couldent get it out of my mind and was analizing it for ages trying to imagine how she was feeling and how the poor child was, it got me in such a state, is this normal??

sorry to go on but it really hepls me to talk and how peoples opnions

god bless

V for Victor
02-06-2007, 08:13 AM
If you want to go back on Xanax, that's not a problem. If you want to get over this, you'll need more than just pills.

The medication will help you overcome a lot of the bad symptoms and feelings of anxiety/depression, but it's unlikely they'll solve any longterm problems.

It might be a good idea to look into seeing a counselor or therapist. You will have to teach your mind how to react to things that trigger anxiety/depression, so that you can manage your feelings, and depend less on the pills to just cover up the problem for a while.