View Full Version : Who can relate: A lot of guilt and anxiety, STD fear!

02-04-2007, 07:18 PM
My main problem is that I'm afraid of two things: something bad happening to my family, and contracting an STD (either in my young, low-risk sexual history or from a public bathroom). Everyone tells me these fears are irrational because they pop up at the strangest times, and sometimes in my dreams, leading me to believe that I've had "prophetic" dreams. Please, does anyone do this as well, and can you tell me what to do when I feel an obsession coming on? I've been diagnosed with OCD and ADD which I guess combine to make super-intense anxiety, but no panic attacks.

V for Victor
02-04-2007, 08:39 PM
Hey Melanie,

You're not alone. These are both very typical of OCD. I have very similar obsessions, about being contaminated, and fears of bad events happening to people I know and my family.

It's great you're seeking advice for what to do when an obsession comes on.

OCD is a terribly fierce monster, but it's also incredibly stupid, which means you can outsmart it with the proper techniques.

You need to learn and practice a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program whenever OCD shows its ugly face. It's been proven that doing this changes the way your brain works.

As always, research is a good place to start, and I must recommend BRAINLOCK, by Gregory M. Schwartz MD. (Most people who read my posts around here are probably very familiar with that book by now!)

That book has definately helped me in the right direction to overcoming my OCD.

I've been dealing with OCD for about two years (even though the traits were there from birth) and if you want to discuss it, feel free to send me a private message.

02-05-2007, 05:05 AM
Thanks for your advice. I might check that book out; I'll see if I can. It would be great to fix my OCD. I feel though, like it would be cooler if my OCD was about cleaning my room--it's a mess!

02-05-2007, 09:45 AM
People with Anxiety seem to be more in tune with our subconcious mind. This makes us more creative, smarter and more instictive. These insticts somtimes present as dreams where our subconciuos has picked up on somthing our concious thoughts have missed. the problem comes when we have to distinguish between the dreams which are our subconcious speaking and those which are just our imagination. Beast just to view the dreams as a tip off, and try to distinguish the truth through other means.

When I was 9. I dreamt without any prompting or obvious indicators, that my father was having an affiar and who with. Two days later he left us and my mother. Prophetic or instinct I dont know.


02-08-2007, 10:56 PM
I have STD fears too. I don't have any reason too, but I fear every illness and germ. I gag when I'm pumping gas. I lysol toilets before I sit on them. STD's seem so taboo that I think my mind gets fixated on it. Because I freak out about a germ that could cause a cold and there's no shame associated with a cold. An STD on the other hand (at least with me) would have some level of shame associated with it. I suffer from shame too. I'm a young healthy female whose had more test run on her than an astronaut, and I've always been extremely safe (if not abstained), but I still worry about it all the time. TV doesn't help matters. When you hear the "It only takes one person.." phrase when hearing about contracting an STD, I know they're trying to appeal to people and make them really think about it, but I don't think they kept people with OCD in mind when airing those commercials. :)

It's strange, but the less TV I watch, the better I feel. (..guess that was a sidenote).

Anyway, I constantly worry about the same things.

02-09-2007, 02:06 AM
The STD fear seems to be a common one, and obviously the toilet thing relates to your OCD. Catching an STD should not be shameful as long as your careful it will probably never happen but we are human, not robots. We do react to things emotionally and dont think every action through fully before we commit. I think anyone who believes the stigma around STDs is a fool. They are no different to say a cold or flu bug. They are unfortunatly a result of natural human interaction. Try not to worry too much most people will never catch an STD. I have to admit I have never had one but if I did I'd like to thin I wouldnt be ashamed. I would probably be a little suspicious tohugh as I am a married man.

T.V does seem to trigger a lot of peoples anxiety. So watching less gives you the opportunity to get away from the many things that T.V. tells us we should be worried about. Wars, Aids, Bird Flu, Nuclear Prolifiration, The Environment, Racial Tension, Pedophiles, Rapists, STD's, Religious Issues and whatever other things we are told we should worry about this week. The hysteria surrounding these issues is part of the modern world in which we live, I just dont think the media realise the effect it has on those of us who would find things to worry about living in paradise all alone.

Stay Strong
