View Full Version : 2 questions....

02-04-2007, 03:03 PM
1. Have any of you ever noticed that you get really constricted pupils sometimes? meaning your pupils appear smaller than normal...Im thinking t his might be a defense mechanism for th fact that your eyes become very light sensitive....but im not sure...just wan to see if anyone else gets it???

2. do any of you get headaches where if you bend over it feels like your head is about to explde...like you can feel it pulsing???

02-04-2007, 05:13 PM
oooh yah, the head pounding when you bend over happens to me whenever im anxious I think it might just be the fact that you're hearts beating a little faster depending on the level of your anxiety and when you bend over it kinda forces more blood to your head. I wouldnt pay too much attention to it.

02-05-2007, 09:32 AM
Yeah its cause the blood pressure in your head is already elevated due to stress bending over just pushes it too far. The pupil thing may just be your eyes focusing on the mirror, do you think this could be the cause. Also do they do it more when there is bright light as this also causes the pupils to constrict. If it doesn't actually afect your sight dont worry, If it does seek out an eye doc.
