View Full Version : Hellloo im neww

06-25-2012, 07:01 AM
Hi my name is Leighann.. Last year i was feeling very strange everytime i was going out i feel strange felt like i was going faint, anxious all the time, so i went to the doctor and told me there were signs of anxiety. After a few months it had gone. How ever the past couple of months and its bak again scared to go out feel like im going to faint i try to avoid big supermarkets as i feel like im going to faint, can feel my heartbeat fast. I asked a nutritionist and told me to try a tablet called L-theanine as it calms and ease anxiety day to day, i was wondering if anyone else as tried these.. I would love some replies to this. xx

06-25-2012, 05:28 PM
Hello, nice to meet you. I used to have anxiety when going to big supermarkets. But it was because everyone would glare and insult me. I decided to hit the gym and my new strength helps cure the nervousness.