View Full Version : Need advice on death please asap

06-25-2012, 05:50 AM
Hi all having an absolute brrakdown in bed right now can't stop worrying about losing the people I love I am so worried they will die.
Does anybody have any stories where they loved someone heaps and they died please help me right now I fucking dead set hate this world!!!!!!!!!!!

06-25-2012, 12:19 PM
The unfortunate thing is that this will happen one day, it's inevitable and just part of life. I really found that talking to my therapist about this sort of thing was helpful. Do you have a therapist or counsellor? I view it like this- we will all die and no one knows when or how, therefore you should enjoy every moment you have with loved ones and make the best of the time you have with them and cherish it as you never know when it will be over. Then when they are gone you can look back at the good memories and remember all the wonderful times you had with them.

06-26-2012, 09:42 AM
I have lost three people that I cared about very much in the past 6 years. Two of them had long term illnesses, but the most recent, one of my dearest friends and the bass player in my partners band was the hardest.

Almost 9 months ago he had a fatal heart attack. He was 29, only 2 weeks older than me. After losing my other friends I stupidly thought I wouldn't have to farewell another in a good long time.

It hurt so much - he left behind his soul mate and one of my closest female friends - now a widow at only 29. Yesterday would have been his 30th birthday and I am still sad, angry and grieving over the fact that he wasn't around to celebrate it.

But his sad and sudden passing has taught me not to fear death because that's when the pain will stop. I know I'll get to see him again when I pass and it stopped me from being frightened of dying.

Plus I know he's still lingering around. I have never been a particularly spiritual person, but he has visited me in dreams - for real. He told me something I didn't understand and I told his wife about it and it was something special to her and she understood it straight away. It freaked me out! It also taught me that people who are loved and cherished never truly die. There memory lives on in the people they leave behind. So we have to stop worrying about the what ifs and start making sure the people we love know how much we care about them right now.

I hope this helped you x