View Full Version : gas pains, strained neck muscle, or something serious :(

Nick F
02-03-2007, 09:41 PM
hey all...

this is really an embarassing question, and i dont think many of you are MDs, but for the past 3 days i have had alot of gas, and a sharp pain on my left neck (trapezius muscle) everytime i breathe in deep (or actually, about half the time when i breathe in deep). I've had what i know to be gas pains (sharp, stabbing pains) in my chest the last couple days, but this rather persistent pain on my left neck/shoulder has me worried that i might be having pericarditis. but i havnt been sick recently so i dont know what could cause that... blehhhhhhhhhh, freackin cybochaundria

thanks for any input :(

V for Victor
02-04-2007, 05:16 PM
I'm not sure what it might be. Anxiety can cause tension in musles, but I don't know about the pain when you breath deep part, if that could have anything to do with anxiety.

Maybe you ought to get a checkup from your doctor for a more informed opinion, because like you said, most of us are not MDs.

02-05-2007, 04:54 AM
sounds like anxiety muscle tension to me.

the chest pains people complain of when they get anxiety is because the muscles are tensing around their ribs.

The neck pains are almost certainly from tension.

I get a lot of similar pains in my neck, jaw, chest and shoulders. I clench my teeth in my sleep and wake up most morning with awful aches around my jaw and temples that sometimes go but occasionally stay for days.

I also work at a computer and I know my posture isn't great most of the time when I'm typing which only adds to it all.

It can't hurt having a doctor check it out but I think it's pretty likely that that's what it is.

Learning to relax, massages and stuff will help as will a good tension headache painkiller for if it's really unbearable.

02-05-2007, 09:34 AM
Yes Dr. Jitters diagnosis is - Anxiety with a severe case of cybercondria.


Nick F
02-06-2007, 10:14 PM
haha, thanks for the message

my fears always seem so irrational when i look back at them...but then blam, the next day, im sure i have a new disease. and its stupid because even when i convince myself i have it, i tell myself its irrational and i dont really have it....but its like im addicted to thinking im sick :(

02-07-2007, 02:26 AM
You are not alone in this, I have a fear of being sick which makes me constantly look to see what I may have at any one moment. Since I have accepted my symptoms are anxiety not real illnesses I have felt better. I dont allow myself to look up symptoms on the internet, or to assume I will catch whatever bug others have. This has helped. Stick at it, you will get there one day at a time.
