View Full Version : Night sweats

06-24-2012, 04:04 PM
Anyone else wake up (after you went to bed perfectly okay) in utter panic? This happened last night and I was literally dripping in sweat, sorry if I'm grossing you out but sweating for some reason adds to my anxiety so waking up in clothes you could have rung out is awful, sweating to me either means I'm sick or my heart is pumping to fast which again means it could lead to a heart attack. I'm prob sounding ridiculous but it's made me fear going to bed.

06-24-2012, 05:17 PM
Do you reckon you're actually in a panic while asleep or panic as soon as you wake up and realise you're all sweaty?
(Big difference)

I've had my fair share of panic attacks and anxiety but I've always slept well and never experienced panic WHILE asleep.

It could just be that you're too hot in bed (oooh behave)... no, seriously... being too hot in bed tends to wake us.

Try to keep cool (literally). E.g. open your window, put a fan on, use a less thick douvet, etc.

I know it sounds trivial but it could be that you're simply too hot & this wakes you up, and then you panic?

06-24-2012, 07:12 PM
I wake up with chest pain all the time. I was actually going to post something simillar asking can you have anxiety while asleep?

06-25-2012, 12:40 AM
Morning! (in the UK anyway)

As said above, I've not suffered while asleep but I've been doing a bit of reading and it seems that panic/anxiety indeed can occur while asleep.

I thought having it while awake was bad enough... let alone asleep!

I think what I said above still has some relevance, i.e. try to stay "cool" - it may help somewhat, but if you ARE having attacks when asleep then the usual advice
applies, which is:

Remember the cause of panic attacks; they're essentially bad emotions that are bottled up inside of us which need to show themselves.
A panic attack is literally those emotions coming to the surface and expressing themselves as the symptoms you feel.

A good rememdy is to TALK about it. Talking helps you offload those bottled emotions. A release if you like.
This is why cognetive therapy is so effective. It allows us to offload our fears & anxieties, as well as learning how to think differently and more positively.

The other aid is of course prescribed medication for the short to medium term.

I can say, hand on heart, that although my sleeping is OK... some of the very best nights have been those where I've popped half a 2 MG diazepam about 45 mins before bed.
The calming effect these have on me are just amazing, but I will ONLY do this when absolutely necessary.

06-25-2012, 01:02 AM
Good morning :)

Took your advice and had my window wide open which made my room bloody freezing this morning lol but didn't wake up :) have been off meds for three nearly four years and off therapy since February this year. Not sure if having all of it stop doesn't help a little but in honesty ATM I don't feel I need help apart from the occasional venting post on this site which I do find massively helpful :) but thanks dazzzza (awesome name)


06-25-2012, 01:15 AM
Hey Amy

Awwww... I'm so pleased to hear it hon.

I have the window open and a massive fan going all year round, lol... EVEN in winter!

No harm in a bit of fresh, cool air in the bedroom :-)

06-25-2012, 02:57 AM
Exactly :)

Nothing worse then a hit bedroom eh lol

06-25-2012, 12:25 PM
I get terrible night sweats especially before and during my period- wake up drenched in sweat, pj's and bed linen is soaking. My bf hates it, lol! I mentioned it to my doctor years ago and he did blood tests and even sent me for a chest x-ray incase it was TB. Turns out it's just down to hormones and nothing to worry about. Thing is, I hate a cold bedroom so I really don't help myself going to bed with the heating on and windows closed. But it does help, as does wearing either nothing in bed or light sleep-wear. Remember to drink plenty of fluids after a night sweat as you can get dehydrated.

06-26-2012, 01:18 AM
Night fever night feverrr.... you know how to do it!

Long live the BEE GEES :-)

06-26-2012, 01:34 AM

Your so random lol haha

06-26-2012, 08:23 PM
this happens to me a lot, i also have been having bad nightmares that cause me to wake up in a panic and sweaty even if i'm cold and with sharp chest pains.. i really just wish the nightmares would stop..