View Full Version : Sleep jerks...
06-24-2012, 08:50 AM
So, I seem to be struggling getting to sleep- especially on weeknights - before I have to work. I have my bed time ritual down, I usually read before I fall asleep, but as soon as I begin to drift off, it feels like my body is fighting the urge to sleep and I violently jerk awake. it usually happens 3-5 times per night.
This happened so badly the other night that my whole body felt like it had been electrocuted and resulted in me getting a terrible leg cramp that kept me awake for at least another hour.
I need my sleep. Exhaustion really fuels my anxiety levels when I am at work. I'm almost certain that I am experiencing what is called hypnic jerks, which are common, but pretty much just something that has to be put up with.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice on supplements to assist with the cramping?
06-24-2012, 08:52 AM
I also get sleep jerks! I find this strange! Is this pretty normal?
06-24-2012, 03:58 PM
Thats exactly whats happening you are fighting the urge to sleepwithojt realizing it. Its a survival tactic caused by anxiety. Its how you would stay alive if in imminent danger. My mom told me she had this in college and i have it now :( try taking an otc sleep aid like unisom it eliminates it. Itll subside when your anxiety does. Going to work is obviously something you anticipate a little bit and causes anxiety for you
Potassium helps with cramping. Taking a multivitamin will help a lot as they all contain potassium as well as eating foods with potassium like bananas (one a day). Sounds like you are getting charlie horses at night. My brother got one in his throat lmao when he tellsthe story about it i die laughing. Ive had them in my feet, calves and thighs. They are so painful. Potassium will def help you
Pheonix panicer
06-24-2012, 07:39 PM
Yes I get them too - I have very what seem real dreams as well and have such detail in them - I have nightmares a hell of alot - and drift in and out of sleep and have dizzy spells all through the night
06-24-2012, 09:22 PM
Yea sleep jerks are very discomforting and the dreams I have are also very detailed. I tend to be half asleep sometimes. It's all very weird to me....
06-25-2012, 01:11 AM
Yes I get them too - I have very what seem real dreams as well and have such detail in them - I have nightmares a hell of alot - and drift in and out of sleep and have dizzy spells all through the night
God, sounds just like me. Shit makes me feel like im losing my mind
06-25-2012, 08:16 AM
Yup. I'm also a super vivid dreamer - I don't know what this means in terms of my sleep cycle, but I certainly don't feel like I get a good night's sleep when I wake up all sweat drenched after a crazy night of dreams!!
06-25-2012, 03:46 PM
Ah sleep jerks, I have woken myself up a few times thrashing my leg around dreaming that I am kicking a ball or something. They are totally harmless, I have read somewhere in the past that its the body changing gear from awake and asleep and it just isnt always as smooth as it could be. Absolutely nothing to worry about!
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