View Full Version : Heartbeat

06-24-2012, 02:36 AM
K so I know that rapid or funny feeling heartbeat is part of anxiety but last few days seems I have had the rapid fluttery feeling heartbeat. Can anxiety make it do this day n day out. No other symptoms jus the heartbeat. I try deep breathing exercises n it doesn't help it's like when I breathe out a strangle feeling like I'm losing my breath while I'm breathing out. Anyone else experience this?

06-24-2012, 07:12 AM
I get this. Sometimes in the middle of my chest or by my throat or right on my heart. Look up premature atrial contractions PAC's it should explain fairly in depth to you. I'm going through a bout right now. Sends me in to full blown panic. I feel for you!

06-24-2012, 07:49 AM
In my worst periods of anxiety, i was very focused on my heartbeat. It beat pretty rapidly, i got the feeling that it skipped beats sometimes, i got this thingeling feeling in my chest. I was afraid to go to sleep bechause i thought i would die in my sleep, unless i payed close attention to my pulse. The only thing i can say, is that cognitive therapy helped me. And when i started to believe what the doctors were saying to me, that it was only my anxiety, i got better, and finally the symphtoms went away....But i do feel for you, bechause i know how horrible it feels.

cat eyes
06-24-2012, 01:30 PM
I have the same thing worrying about my heart all the time. I even bought a oximeter, had a lot of heart test done.