View Full Version : Dread alone time

06-23-2012, 08:47 PM
Anyone else? I used to love spending time by myself. Now, however, I find it very difficult to be alone. It's uncomfortable even. Will I ever enjoy time by myself again??

06-23-2012, 09:17 PM
Yep I'm the same, when we are alone is when we are most sad. But only you can change that, when your alone occupy yourself have a bath read a book, watch a movie etc.. Do you live alone?

06-23-2012, 11:02 PM
Yes, it will get alot better. When i first started feeling anxious it didnt matter if i was alone or with people, i was miserable. Then it progressed to being unbearable when i was alone, and not that bad when i was with people. Then, my anxiety disappeared when i was around people and was faintly present when im alone. Thats where im at now. Its great. Itll get better for u i promise. Im driving alone and pampering myself like in a hot bath or reading a good book. Its nice to enjoy alone time again and youll get there

06-24-2012, 05:11 AM
Thanks for the input guys!! I don't live alone. I'm married with two little ones but when my husband blesses me with some sacred alone time it ramps up my anxiety, when it should be doing just the opposite!!

06-24-2012, 07:09 AM
Omg I'm the same my husband is gone at work all the time and I'm alone. Alone with my thoughts my physical symptoms along with the fear and my lil boy. Im panicked from the get go. It was starting to get a bit better but past few days I'm unwell again. It's like for the life of me I can't get motivated alone or do anything. I just want to lay around all day.

06-24-2012, 03:47 PM
I went through the exact same thing!! The feelings that you are having are exactly what made me seek help in the first place. The only thing I could do is take care of the kids with absolutely no motivation to do anything else. My therapist diagnosed me with GAD and depression. She said the depression was probably secondary to the anxiety. So, we are working on managing my anxiety and my depression has been much better. I hope you get some relief also!!