View Full Version : Good experience today

06-23-2012, 01:24 PM
Went to a shopping centre with my partner, which was the scene for my panic attack last week (which was the worst one in ages) and as we were stood in a shop I felt the same feelings coming back (increased heart rate and aversion to bright light) but I successfully did some breathing techniques and the fully symptoms didnt come on as they would have before, before it would have escalated to dizzyness, lightheadedness and inability to think straight but today, instead I was able to come out and go to another shop (rather than running out of the place) so thanks for all the tips!

The technique I used was breath in fro, the stomach for 5 seconds, hold for two, then release for 5 and repeated it a few times. This stopped me increasing the oxygen levels thus increasing adrenaline and other symptoms.

I cant believe this is an achievement but given how I felt last week I didnt think Id shop again!