View Full Version : Chest Tightness

02-02-2007, 08:38 PM
The last few days I have been having this really uncomfortable feeling in my chest...it's like a tightness like I am really uptight about something but there is nothing that I can think of. It's been pretty constant for the past couple days....anyone else experience this discomfort?

02-06-2007, 02:10 AM
Yes it is all anxiety related your chest tightens because you are tense and worried try not to worry too much. And do some breathing and tension release excercises. There are plenty out there google them. :)


02-07-2007, 05:16 PM
I've had chest/throat tightness for my entire life (at least as long as I can remember) all the time (all day, every day). It never completely goes away. It gets stronger in stressful situations. Actually, the smallest random thought can suddenly make it stronger. I am a very uptight, high strung person. I have trouble relaxing. I exhibit symptoms of social anxiety/phobia, altho sometimes I can be quite social, it is just my chest/throat tightness that prevents me from being more social. I rarely, if ever, have episodes that could be called "panic attacks" (not full blown anyways). I just experience a generally high level of anxiety all the time.

I'm still trying to find someone else who has experienced similar symptoms for their entire life (not just a set amount of time like seems much more common).

I would REALLY like to find ways to reduce my chronic chest/throat tightness. Anyone have any suggestions?

02-08-2007, 02:18 AM
Yes treat the anxiety. Many people have had these symptoms for a set period but others have suffered their whole lives. Personally I have always had some symptoms but somthing triggered my anxiety to make it bad enough to rule my life. I hope you feel better soon. The periods whenit gets stronger triggered by thoughts ARE minor panic attacks. some people have one massive panic attack once a week or a month but many including myself have milder mini-attacks as much as 20 times in a day where the attack never really seems to go. If I were you I would seek treatment as if you are having these attacks as the general anxiety which keeps your chest tight and this will only be aggravated by the fear of it getting worse i.e. having an attack.

I hope I explianed that O.K.

Stay Strong


02-08-2007, 11:05 AM
yeah, i guess I could say I have a lot of mini attacks, but rarely any full blown ones.

Actually, I just realized that other people would probably consider my mini attacks of increased chest tightness (& lump in my throat) more severe, and that I've just gotten so used to them because it's happened all my life, every day.

02-08-2007, 12:35 PM
This happened with me I'd feel nauseous and at first it was awful but over time we adapt and learn to live with the symptoms. Now its only when I have a long spell without symptoms that I really notice when they return.
