View Full Version : My Final Post

06-22-2012, 08:41 PM
These are my final thoughts:

Sometimes and some people need to take meds such as Banzos and SSRIs. They just need to understand what the limitations are with medication. Meds do not cure you. Once you stop taking them, your anxiety is 10 times worse. That is not a cure. I keep saying there is a time for them, so don't say I am 100% against them. But people need to know what they really are, and they are not cures. Taking a drug forever is not curing you anymore than getting drunk to forget about your problems is curing you. I know. I was on Xanax, Zoloft and Klonopin and I got addicted to Klnopins. They did not cure me. They helped me function, and then they caused much more problems later on. They are not cures! When I did all the many many natural means that I fully described in my techniques post above, and got off the Klonopins, in time I was CURED of anxiety. If I didn't do it on my own, and just blindly listened to doctors, I would still be on meds and having panic attacks daily. That is the reality! It isn't that I am closed minded, it is that I, like millions of others, have figured out that the medication does not cure you and there are other ways to do it where you eventually wont need any medication at all. Follow any program, The Panic Puzzle, Charles Linden, Freedom from Fear, I did them all! Why are they so similar? Because anxiety is pretty much cured almost the same way in every single person! Assuming there is no physical problem.

This is not a choice of meds for some and natural ways for others. Meds do not cure you, they maintain you, and only by other ways can you be cured!

I don't like how doctors treat anxiety and I am tired of the medical industry's arrogance that they have the only way and all other ways are to be laughed at. You think you can live your life on Benzos and not have that turn into a another disease later on? You are fooling yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if long term medication use causes cancer, parkinsons, alzheimers and a lot more neurological diseases. Take Banzos for 2 months while you do the correct steps then get off them.

I never ever ever said its all in your mind and just say fuck it. That is if you read 2 sentences out of many pages and pages of posts I have written. I have detailed many many supplements, healing therapies, exercise, breathing techniques and many other things that I did that everyone should do. I have also described how anxiety is a physical and it is due to too much CO2 in the blood, low magnesium, a highly sensitive nervous system, and your body basically crashing, etc. Have you tried Rescue Remedy? I used to carry the spray in my pocket at all times and take it whenever I felt anxiety creep up. Have you tried 600-800 mg of Magnesium Chelate a day have you tried Buteyko breathing exercises? What about a strong chamomile tea 2-3 times day? Passionflower Extract? Are you getting enough sunlight to give you the right amount of Vitamin D? Not sunburn, but just the right amount? How much yoga did you do this week? How's your daily meditation coming along? What spiritual book have you read lately like Power of Now or Fuck It? Have you seen the movie, The Shift? What Claire Weekes audio have you listened to? I even tried this Alpha Stim thing that I clipped on my ears every day for 30 minutes for a month to send alpha signals to my brain. I thought it helped. I rented the machine for 1 month. Have you tried Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed Formula? From the Eastern Essentials website:

"Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed formula is designed to be of long term benefit, nourishing and calming the nervous system, which is known as “Calming the Spirit” in traditional Chinese medicine. The goal is not only to offer quick relief to the anxiety, panic and nervousness, but to actually help create a deep healing, where eventually anxiety and panic can be totally overcome. "

Sounds pretty good to me! Isn't that exactly what we talk about? I have 2 bottles right here. Maybe I'll take them from the stress I'm feeling right now. How many of you actually tried it?

On no too scared to take plants, just give us toxic chemicals please! How many people died from herbs last year? Uh, er, oh yeah, ZERO!

All these little things I've mentioned add a little bit of healing and aid in the process. Healing is a process and it takes time, but the results are long lasting. This is not Viagra.

Everyone here should be in therapy. That is a given. Its important to talk this over with a trained therapist.

I followed the steps the people who cured their anxiety did and it worked. Why would you listen to anyone else unless they were cured themselves? Humans are not all so different. It's not rocket science. I have an obligation to help others like others helped me. If I can't help them here, I will help them elsewhere. But I get drained if people don't help themselves. I understand why. We are taught to go to the Doctor God and he will give you a Magic Pill that will take away all your problems. Want to lose 200 pounds? just take a pill. Want to cure depression? Pop a Soma. Soon there will be an unemployment pill, I guarantee it!

From the emails I get thanking me, I know I have helped many people. I don't care if some of you here think I am wrong. I know I am right. The guy who started this forum Rich, is right. Charles Linden is right. Claire Weekes is right. Amelina Linsdale is right. Patrick McKeown Buteyko Practitioner is right. The doctor's are WRONG!

What do you want from your anxiety? You want to cope and deal forever and limit your life substantially, yet maintain? Then follow the doctor's. "Oh I don't go in crowds." Is that you? Then you aren't getting it. You should be saying, "I can't take crowds right now, but I will eventually when I get better." Hey, I could barely leave my front door at one time, and was scared to get into a shower!

Do you want to barely scrape by in life and when you go 2 days without meds you start to shake? Or do you want to heal your nervous system and live with anxiety as part of your past and no more? If you chose the latter then follow what I said and the other's that I just mentioned. I just happen to have summarized all their research in one place and I have more knowledge of supplements than they do. But any of those people I mentioned above are right on!

But I will tell you this:
I did every test imaginable until I was diagnosed with anxiety. After reading Patrick McKeown's book, Anxiety Free, and practicing the breathing techniques, after 5 days, my anxiety was at least 50% better. Then I did Freedom From Fear, by David Johnson and I was even better. When I would feel panic coming, I would either listen to hypnosis CDs or Charles Linden Panic Attack eliminator and always went into Buteyko breathing mode. I sat there cutting my Klonopin dosages with a razor blade dropping it by 1/8-1/16 every 2 weeks until I was off it. I meditated at least 2 times a day and did as much yoga as I could. I cut out alcohol completely,

I did the work! I did lots of work. It was about 9 months of solid focus! It was hard but it worked! My nervous system has been healed.

I am not special. My point is everyone can do this. Some people can probably do this much faster than I did. I'm a slow learner. Unless you have some physical problem causing this that can be measured, everyone can get past anxiety and be free of all medication. Medication is something to take while you are curing yourself. But there is a price. There's no free ride. If you want to get of meds, I used the Benzo Buddies site and used their support. They helped guide me on what to do. You basically cut a tiny bit, then stabilize for about 2 weeks, then cut again. Of course, do it when you are ready and with the recommendation of your doctor. (If that ever actually happens).

06-22-2012, 08:42 PM
Part 2

I try to get your heads straight. Beat it into your heads that it is simply a matter of taking responsibility and curing yourself. The first step is getting your mind right and piercing through this nonsense that you have some exotic disease that you need medication for. None of the experts agree with that. I trust them. Again, medication has its place and should be used for certain people some of the time, but regardless, they do not create a permanent healing.

I love you guys and I deeply care. I really do care. But with any type of illness, disease, disorder, or anything, the first reaction for most people is denial. They want to convince you that they have a unique problem, that you just don't understand and can't understand, and only the world's greatest specialist can treat it, or even worse, this is just how they are and who they are. They have accepted that they will just arrange their lives to fit around their anxiety or whatever it is they have wrong with them. They will give you every excuse why they are where they are and why they can't change.

Why are we here? Why are we alive? Is life simply all about who TMZ is talking about, who wins the next big game and the next pop idol, or the next chocolate cake or the next time you get some sex? Is it about your status in society and what kind of car you drive? Is it all about trying out the next new restaurant and dealing with annoying waiters that expect tips for doing nothing? Is Life simply one struggle to be happy to the next struggle to be happy?

Maybe life is much more than all this. Maybe life is a healing path. Maybe part of why we are here is to learn and grow spiritually and emotionally. Maybe we are meant to have anxiety so we can then grow out of it and become better people. Maybe all diseases are there to cause us to take a second look at ourselves, and dig ourselves out of our hole. If we were always happy, we would never grow or learn. We'd be blobs. Anxiety is an excuse to develop courage, patience, and learn to react appropriately to stress. It teaches us the power of our thoughts and we learn to control them instead of having our thoughts controlling us. We learn how deep our fight of flight response is in our biology. Think of how being doped up on meds inhibits this healing process. It cuts you off from the spiritual significance of what you are going through. It stops the healing path. But believe me, in life, if you don't deal with an issue, it will come back sooner or later to bite you in the ass. It keeps popping up until you deal with it.

Maybe we can enjoy this healing process. We can enjoy these intense, deep, spiritual struggles and enjoy growing as people as we learn to overcome all of this.

I'm still available over the private messages if you want to reach me. I just won't be posting on this forum anymore.

Good luck and peace to all!