View Full Version : Feeling better!

06-22-2012, 07:11 PM
I really hate to start feel better and then the anxiety floods back! Why can't I just be normal for a month. Let's start with a month. I can go 2 maybe 3 days but then it's back And I'm back on my couch terrified I'm dying! I often wonder how I got here. I've never had a hard life or really wanted for anything. I have a great husband and kid. I don't have to work. Soooo what do I have to worry about! Nothing! Great parents and sisters. What's wrong with me! Living this way is hard. Very hard and some days I just wanna give up! I need kind words! I'm down.... :(

06-22-2012, 07:34 PM
Don't give up! Enjoy spending time with your kid and hubby =) Your not dying, it's your negative thoughts bluffing you. Remember, it's only a bluff.

Isaiah 40:29 God gives me power when I am worn out and strength when I am weak.