View Full Version : How many have short term memory problems associated with anxiety
06-22-2012, 05:28 PM
I struggled with anxiety for over five years and recently started having memory problems. My anxiety is bad and getting worse so I finally started group therapy and Sertraline.
I am a 47 year old male and always had a great memory and now I seem to forget everything. I convinced myself I have early onset alzheimers. I read many articles on the subject but can't seem to comprehend how stress and anxiety affect memory.
Any thoughts?
I know I posted a similar question, my long term memory is fine.
06-22-2012, 05:52 PM
I have difficulty focusing when in public around people who stare or mock me, but put me in lab and I excel like all geniuses.
I have read a lot about biology, stress, anxiety, and it would be too much to type on this Android.
You should try activities that are exciting to get adrenaline pumping.
06-23-2012, 07:54 AM
I have heard that short term mem. loss is a symptom.
One reason given was because our (anxious) minds are too pre-occupied with our condition, and so we tend to not take in as much in the first place.
(I.e. we're not fully comprehensive)
Another reason I heard was, when a particularly anxious time (or panic attack) occurs, everything that is normally held in memory suddenly becomes irrelevant and so it inadvertantly gets erased.
One final (more complicated) reason was; the very fact that we have anxiety disorder is a clear sign that our minds have already malfunctioned somewhat (the part of the brain which deals with rationality and reasoning is simply not working).
Because of this fact, it is reasonable to assume that other parts of the brain (like short term memory) could also be affected.
You could try a little exercise:
Leave your keys somewhere other than where you normally leave them, but ensure you register where you've put them at the time.
Several hours later (set an alarm on your phone or pc) go find them...
06-23-2012, 06:37 PM
I am going through the same! It deals like for the past week my short term memory is just shot. I'll forget to turn my lights off in my car (which I never do), a take a big bridge to get to work and its like a reminder for me to get off at the next exit and I seriously forgot even crossing the bridge one day, I'll think of something to do and walk into the kitchen and totally forgot what I was going to do!.......etc.
I've noticed once I'm calm cool and collected my memory is just fine, but when I can feel my symptoms of anxiety I'm bout as good as a fish out of water!
06-23-2012, 06:38 PM
Oh and I'm only 23 so I doubt it's Alzheimer's!
06-23-2012, 10:58 PM
I cant remember anything lately. It sucks. I forgot to pay my rent when my phone alarm reminded me 8 hours beforehand, and i lose my keys atleast twice a week. Its also really hard for me to reflect on my day at nighttime and remember what i did. Scary but glad to see its normal
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