View Full Version : I'm not sure what I have. Do you know?

02-02-2007, 03:55 PM
Hi, my name is Eric and I am so glad I found this site.
I think I have many problems. When I was little, I used to tell my mom so many obsessive thoughts I had in my head after school. I would literally count them up to 10 on my fingers. sometimes more... And I would feel obligated to tell her these things. Another problem I used to have about 3 years ago is clicking the door locks on and off. And I used to itch my right ear then I felt like if I didnt itch my left ear I would get made so anything or my right side of my body I would have to do to my left. Now i know that sounds like OCD. I think it is but i dont have these problems anymore that i know of. Now I feel like I am suffering from SEVERE panic attacks and anxiety for no reason. I am 20 years old and go to college. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest when I sleep at night. MY bed actually moves at night. I recently found out my Blood Pressure is about 145/95. But when I take my blood pressure and I get really anxious it shoots up to 191/114. Its like I dont want to take my blood pressure so I panic when I put it around my arm. I know Im young to have blood pressure problems but it runs in the family and its not unheard of. Hmmm.. now my anxiety is so bad that when i relax on the sofa and Just stand up to go get something to drink my heart POUNDS and its like a panic attack or something. very wierd... My blood pressure is now almost under control because I am taking a beta blocker and that is lowering my anxiety a little bit. Ive been on it for a week now. But everytime I take my blood pressure my heart used to raise up to 162 beats a min but now on the beta blocker it raises up to 120 with anxiety. Well... my cardiologist prescribed me 5mg Lexarpo, and I was wondering if i should take it or not because i heard it could raise Blood pressure and make your heart beat faster etc. Look at how much Im writing.... wow didnt realize i am way to obsessive about this. I tried different relaxation techniques and that temporarly works. But lets say my cell phone rings right next to me, my heart starts racing so fast and my heart pounds. Its like my adrenaline is just going CRAZY omg. The beta blocker helped some.. but I am wondering if yall think i should take lexapro or not. I am waiting for my results of blood tests urnine test etc for the cause of my high blood pressure. I think its cause I have severe anxiety. They did an ultrasound on my heart and everything looks normal but I was so anxious even doing that test the doctor was like Do you always get palpitations or is it just from anxiety? I just feel like if I was on a drug it would help me and I would have had a better high school expierence. I tend to not socialize at all. And i am VERY SCARED to do a project that requires you to stand up infront of people and talk. My heart would pound so bad omg. I dont even want to talk about it. What do yall think I should take and what do yall think is wrong with me? Like what disorder do I have. I have read many of them and it feels like a have a little of everything. I bite my finger nails and skin around my nails off, sometimes it bleeds and i finally stop picking at that one area. My fingers look horrible when I get out the shower. Im just so anxious all the time, this is no way to live life. it really sucks. I do exercise almost every day, jogging, eliptical, and have no problems doing that, it actually does help a little. Sorry for writing so much. thanks for any advice yall got for me.

V for Victor
02-02-2007, 05:10 PM
It's a bit strange that your OCD just disappeared like that. Does it run in your family that you know of?

Think hard about any rituals you may perform day to day. Do you check things, do you repeate things to yourself or outloud? Do you worry about germs?

It'd be good to attempt to figure out if you're really suffering from OCD and don't know it. I know that sounds strange, but sometimes we get so used to Obsessions and Compulsions, we don't even realize we have them. I just recently noticed that I repeate things in my mind, and even sometimes out loud, trying to get just the right sound. I've done this for years, but I only now noticed it!

OCD can definately trigger anxiety.

But on the topic of anxiety, do you know WHAT makes you anxious? Are you afraid of crowds? Do you worry about dying or getting sick?

02-02-2007, 06:48 PM
I have the same thing...kinda. When i was younger i had littte "querks" like that as well. I'm nervous about everything for no reason and my heart also pounds (sometimes) when i get up from sitting or lying down. Don't stress about it, i know everyone says it and thats the last thing you think you could possibly do but, its really the best thing to do.

02-02-2007, 10:24 PM
It's a bit strange that your OCD just disappeared like that. Does it run in your family that you know of?

Think hard about any rituals you may perform day to day. Do you check things, do you repeate things to yourself or outloud? Do you worry about germs?

It'd be good to attempt to figure out if you're really suffering from OCD and don't know it. I know that sounds strange, but sometimes we get so used to Obsessions and Compulsions, we don't even realize we have them. I just recently noticed that I repeate things in my mind, and even sometimes out loud, trying to get just the right sound. I've done this for years, but I only now noticed it!

OCD can definately trigger anxiety.

But on the topic of anxiety, do you know WHAT makes you anxious? Are you afraid of crowds? Do you worry about dying or getting sick?

Well, I don't really have any compulsions anymore... If that makes sense. But I know I have extremely bad obsessions. So Im do know if you can just have one of them to have OCD. I obsess about all kind of dumb things a normal person would obsess about.

Im anxious of standing infront of people, I always worry if I have something wrong with me... example: aids, tumar, cancer etc. I just panic when I go to stand up while Ive been sitting for a while and i get a pounding heart. Now that I think about it, it seems like i ignore friends calls and dont really like to hang in crowds, I think thats because I dont feel like meeting new people because Im not sure how they would act towards me. It feels like I cant be "myself" when Im in big crowds of people unless its someone i really know like my cuzins or something. But now that I think about, i never like to hang out with people outside of my house because friends are always saying.... Why didnt you come out with us? Why didnt you answer my call? I get that like 24/7... Like people want to hang out with me but I simply choose not to and avoid them at any cost.


V for Victor
02-03-2007, 09:42 AM
Well, it sounds like you do have Social Anxiety Disorder; a fear of crowds, meeting people, talking on the phone, etc.

You may also be a bit of a hypochondriac, where you constantly worry about having a terrible illness or disease, often based on just a minor pain, or nothing at all. (It's okay, most of us are like that.)

I don't know about the OCD. Keep an eye out for it, because it may try to sneak up on you.

There is a speical Social Anxiety Disorder board on this forum that you might check out. If you haven't already.

02-03-2007, 02:34 PM
I don't hang out with friends anymore either, I dont have social anxiety though, It can just be awkward to panic in front of people you dont know, and i think about panic attacks and my anxiety all the time (which makes it much worse) so it's hard to be around people you dont know.