View Full Version : Anxious Londoner

06-22-2012, 08:34 AM
Hi everyone! :D

Nice to meet you all! I have been suffering from anxiety most of my life, and I'm just recently recovering from depression which I started suffering from at 6 years old. I'm 21 now, and over the past 8 months my depression has gone completely, thankfully, save from the odd few blue days. But my level of anxiety has increased.
I frequently get panic attacks, feel nervous all the time, have terrible sleep (and when I do get to sleep suffer from nightmares and sleep paralysis)
I'm desperate not to go on medication though, as I used to take antidepressants and they sent me a little haywire. So I'm trying to manage my anxiety in other ways.
Anyway, hope you are all having a lovely day!

06-22-2012, 01:54 PM
Hello, welcome! What helps me sleep, thanks to some advice from this forum, i refrain from anything that will stimulate my mind. So before I go to sleep, I am not watching TV or on the net.

I drink chamomile tea and read a book before I go to sleep. Hope this helps :)

06-22-2012, 06:01 PM
You would benefit from a sleep clinic, and hypnosis. Because you are not getting restful sleep, that is making you anxious during the day.