View Full Version : Physical sensations

06-22-2012, 02:58 AM
It took me months and months and I'm still not totally there to get rid of the rocking on a boat sensations but tonight I keep thinking of them. What if they come back? What if I relapse and they send my life in to another spiraling whole of despair? What will I do? I'm under a lot of stress at present so I'm wondering if this is just my body playing tricks on me. I'm still dizzy a few times a week but I'll take it compared to 24/7. Docs have ran all tests but never found anything. I just feel like I'm starting to move forward and go back to work. Maybe I'm scared of that? I'm so scared of this whole horrid experience with physical rocking and vertigo to haunt me again. I keep looking for it. I can't sleep tonight even and I keep thinking " is that it again?" oh no it's back. Is this my head? I'm just really overwhelmed with interviews and money stress etc this week. I'm just so eager to have my life back the last 9 months has been terrifying I can't imagine going through it again.

06-22-2012, 04:47 AM
Try to distract yourself so you wont keep thinking about that, deep breaths and courage! I don't know if it feels the same with you, but the longer I wait to do something the less courage i have to do it, did you try some medication? You can visit a doctor and find a natural one, find something that will make you feel safe! Hope everything gets well soon for you <3

06-22-2012, 07:55 AM
Message me if you need links

06-23-2012, 05:51 PM
I'm having a massive panic attack at the moment. I'm dizzy tired out of control tears hyperventilating. I'm so worried about feeling dizzy all the time again I'm making it happen. My heart keeps palping. That's scaring me. Help advice???

06-23-2012, 05:54 PM
Message me if you need links

Links please! Freaking out right now big time!!

06-23-2012, 07:40 PM
I'm dealing with the same thing k.

06-23-2012, 07:55 PM
I'm dealing with the same thing k.

How so? Tell me so I can relate!

06-23-2012, 08:01 PM
Me too. I just feel dizzy and like I have acid reflux like my stomach just feels sick and I'm just really dizzy . Ive started telling myself it must be something in the air. Lol

06-23-2012, 08:02 PM
I like to tell myself if I'm dizzy wo what. If I faint so what. Which I never have but am terrified of it. Never happened yet so why freak.. only me? Nope we are all there with you! Just try and remain as calm as you can!

06-23-2012, 08:10 PM
I deal with almost anxiety and some panic attacks. I've learned to try not think about and control my breathing. I think the abdominal breathing helps me the most. It releases so much tension. I also do a lot reading about to help my self understand what's going on with my body. Two books I can recommend are anxiety and panic phobia workbook and Claire weeks hope and help for you nerves.

06-23-2012, 08:13 PM
The physical symptoms for me are the worst. The fast heart beat and pains every where. I'm constantly thinking there is something wrong with my heart. I've all the test done so I know there is nothing wrong but it's still hard to believe.

06-23-2012, 08:17 PM
I always think I'm going to faint but never do. And have no idea why its even that scary. My main issue is being dizzy. I just want someone to.tell me why I randomly get dizzy. Yet no one can.

06-24-2012, 07:19 AM
I know the dizzy is the hardest. Had every test out there and nothing! I do notice when I'm anxious my neck up the back gets tingly and that's when it starts so I'm thinking there's a pattern here. Plus I'm stresssed to the max right now so it's no wonder I had the attack yesterday. I'm just having panic over feeling this way again constantly. I'm going back to work next week and my biggest fear is not being able to because I get this weird unknown vertigo illness that lands me in bed for Another 9monthz. Almost an anticipatory anxiety. Is it all psychosomatic you guys think?

06-24-2012, 03:54 PM
I know the dizzy is the hardest. Had every test out there and nothing! I do notice when I'm anxious my neck up the back gets tingly and that's when it starts so I'm thinking there's a pattern here. Plus I'm stresssed to the max right now so it's no wonder I had the attack yesterday. I'm just having panic over feeling this way again constantly. I'm going back to work next week and my biggest fear is not being able to because I get this weird unknown vertigo illness that lands me in bed for Another 9monthz. Almost an anticipatory anxiety. Is it all psychosomatic you guys think?

Try doing vestibular exercises (google some). Psych doc told me to do it to eliminate anxiety dizziness. Its inducing dizziness and letting your brain fix it then repeating. Helps your brain get its bearing in space. Has helped me greatly please try it

06-25-2012, 12:49 PM
And there was nothing wrong with your tests either? Just dizziness for no reason? It's started a whole bunch of symptoms the last few days. Adrenaline waves panic attacks heart palps etc. I just feel terrible. I will try those though thank you