View Full Version : Help.. How to fix this?

06-21-2012, 07:51 PM
Every time I get anxious or upset about something (even if I'm just thinking about it for just a few seconds) my stomach feels weird. Like someone is clenching my insides, and then it ends up giving me some digestive problems. Is this from anxiety? How do you think I could stop this? It has been happening for about half a year and it is really disturbing me, because a lot of things are stressing me out and upsetting me lately and it happens pretty often. I'm not totally sure the digestive problems are from the pain from anxiety but it happens a lot after a small anxiety attack or just thinking about something that upsets me.. It could possible be from things I've been eating, but I eat different almost every day and these problems occur about once a week. Any help or advice?

06-21-2012, 08:31 PM

I to have this problem, actually its my biggest anxiety physical symptom and I hate it! no matter how hard I try its always there as soon as I leave the house:( and sometimes before.....I hope with medication and intensive CBT which I am doing now that I will be able to overcome this...(meds work but after 2 attempts at this and anxiety returning every time i come off CBT is my best hope)......alot of people get this when anxious and its normal but when you are like me (highly anxious) it is far worse :( maybe someone will post here for us some ideas to help overcome this.....

06-21-2012, 08:32 PM
I get this really bad too sometimes. It is when I'm really stressed I lose my appetite. I usually eat light or do something to relive my stress.

06-21-2012, 10:21 PM
Here is a section from an article I found. Hopefully this will help.

When an individual is under too much stress and anxiety, the brain releases stress hormones like epinephrine, norepinephrine and steroid hormones like cortisol to give the body its much needed fuel to ward off the threat. Muscles become tense, heartbeats start accelerating, and blood sugar shoots up. But with these adjustments come physical discomforts, which are a necessary bargain, for instance, the problem of stomach pain felt during anxiety attacks. When anxiety becomes too much, the stomach is prompted to produce excess amounts of stomach acid. With this increased level, the acid backflows into the esophagus. Because of its acidity, the lining of the esophagus becomes irritated. This causes the pain felt during anxiety periods. Together with the pain, nausea and vomiting may also occur.

06-22-2012, 07:48 AM
It sounds like light exercise when you feel weird would clear that right up. When you stress you have to exercise to release the tension otherwise it stays in your stomach.