View Full Version : still have problems driving by myself help!

06-21-2012, 03:08 PM
Hello , I'm still having driving anxiety, mostly driving by myself from and too destinations, any ideas on helping? And a buddy of mine says that you have to inch it, like drive short distances then come back and drive further then come back and so forth , I haven't tried it yet , does this work? And i also take L- theanine which i take with me just in case, which seems to help, but any ideas on driving alone, would help or what has worked for you let me know thanks

06-21-2012, 03:20 PM
I too have issues driving. It's slowly getting better, but it takes time and lot of work "off the field".

I would first figure out the root cause of the fear. Then work on that in your free time.

When it comes time to drive, drive a distance that you feel comfortable with. I don't care if its 100 feet, drive it over and over until you feel comfortable. Then, increase the distance.

I personally force myself to drive on the freeway 20 minutes per day before work, and I live within walking distance of my office. While i'm driving i'm aware of my thinking habits, aware of any physical symptoms of anxiety and work through it. It HAS been getting better, but it's a process.

I hope this helps.

06-21-2012, 03:38 PM
I had such bad driving anxiety/agoraphobia that i stopped driving all together. First i started driving with someone and now im driving alone. Just last week i drove alone to visit my grandparents (an hour and 15 min drive) alone!! It was liberating. Heres how ive helped myself:

1. Began with driving around my neighborhood to get comfortable. Even sometimes i anticipate driving somewhere so i "warm up" by driving a lap around my neighborhood to relax myself and realize i got this

2. Bringing things that calm me down in the car: a bottle of water, my inhaler, xanax, and a paperbag. I call it my anxiety survival kit. Just in case i panic i have the means to calm myself down. I never need these things (jus the water is all i use) but just having them keeps my panic attacks away.

3. Drive in the right lane. Never the left or if applicable, the middle. (If you live in the uk i guess itd be opposite hehe) Ive found it makes me feel trapped and indirectly causes me to begin to panic. Driving in the right lane gives you the freedom to pull over if necessary. Again ive never had to do this but knowing i can if i start to feel weird is comforting.

Then the rest just happens naturally. Your friend is being real with you it does get easier. Stay within your comfort zone at first (like drive to the closest establishment near your house) and back. Youll feel fantastic! Then you can slowly drive further and further. Dont rush yourself but atthe same time its going to be normal to feel a lttle uncomfortable but just keep going its worth it.
Then keep note of how far you went. Like now sometimes i get nervous about going somewhere and i tell myself "this is only a 15 min drive and you just drove over an hour to grandmas and nothing happened. You got this!"

Youre your own worst enemy. The way we work ourselves up in anticipation is pathetic lol because nothing bad ever happens and its never bad like we build it up in our heads. Plus youll feel so good after driving somewhere. Trust me im someone who literally gave up and couldnt even walk to the bathroom without being scared i was going to faint. Just get going :)

06-23-2012, 10:45 PM
Well to each his own. These things helped me personally just to get going. Now my anticipatory anxiety is gone and i just drive without making a big deal about it. Also i now use the other lanes to get past the "turtles" on the road. Just thought id share what helped me personally - i dont think theres a right or wrong answer here