View Full Version : Upping my prozac today.....

06-21-2012, 08:37 AM
I am so nervous about going from 20 to 40 mg of Prozac but feel it needs to be done I'm having more unpleasant anxiety feelings creep back up on me. I am a nervous wreck about the increase so we shall see how this goes. Please let me know how your dosage increase went and what I can expect.

06-21-2012, 06:18 PM
When I was diagnosed with GAD, I started with 10 MG of Prozac. After 2 weeks, I switched to 20. 3 Weeks after that, I switched to 40. It was way too much for me, so I switched to Celexa. From my experience, your anxiety will be gone, but you'll start to feel depressed. I was lethargic, I had no energy, I was crying every few hours, but I wasn't anxious. Different meds work differently for different people. I wish you the best of luck and hope this med works for you.
Remember, it can take weeks for the Prozac to kick in. I know for me it took 2 weeks before I started feeling the effects of switching to 20. 40 killed my anxiety, but two days after I just fell into this pot hole. I understand that this might not be what you want to hear, but it's my story. Good luck

06-21-2012, 06:31 PM
Well I have been on the 20mg for a little over 2 months and did pretty well. Just felt some of the anxiety creeping slowly back in on me so we upped it. I hope this works for me I don't want to have to keep trying different meds.

06-21-2012, 08:22 PM
I am just about to up to 20 I think(seeing doctor today) do you take yours morning or night? I switched to night as I had to much nausea and needed to be well as my girls had dance comps (lots of driving ughh) I have found it more tolerable and am starting to feel a little less anxious after 2 weeks on prozac , am hoping 20 will knock it on the head though or its back to lexapro :( I have tons of energy though and not feeling depressed:) just still anxious.....good luck:)

06-22-2012, 10:32 AM
I take it in the morning because even taking it in the morning I can not sleep on it I have to take meds in order to sleep. I won't lie last night was rough I had a crying spell because of the way I feel my body was cold yet my face was on fire. Today I am having hot spells and some stomach upset and a little shaky I just keep telling myself it will pass it did before. Good luck to you with your meds :). This sucks that's for sure!!

06-22-2012, 11:23 AM
I would highly recommend SLOWLY increasing it- not just doubling up to 40mg instantly. It's not dangerous, but the side effects will be far more pronounced. I did 5mg of lexapro for a week, then 10mg for a few weeks, then 15mg which I'm at now with little-no side effects.

07-03-2012, 12:09 AM
Well just gone to 20 Prozac and feel like crap:( no sleep but tonnes of energy ,feel depressed and cry alot, my head aches and I just feel spacey :( how many weeks do I keep trying this med before I go to another? Lexapro just did not feel like this .... I just hate the weight gain and withdrawals on lexapro....but it did help with my anxiety:) any advice please..

07-04-2012, 07:54 AM
Well my side effects from the jump from 20 to 40 mg lasted about a week and a half. I have had quite a few good days lately just dealing with pain from shingles. I say give the increase at least 2 weeks before you try something else. Good luck!! Hope it works for you 😊

07-04-2012, 07:55 AM
I had the same things you are describing if that makes you feel better and it has gone away.

07-04-2012, 07:44 PM
I had the same things you are describing if that makes you feel better and it has gone away.

did you? yesterday was a whole lot better, I did have an ativan and even slept well:) yippee no 5am wake up:) feeling a bit better today to and proud of what I achieved yesterday (lots of anxiety situations)....
I am also struggling with a marriage breakdown so that could be why I feel low not the prozac:(

07-04-2012, 08:31 PM
Yes I did I never cry for no reason and there was a period of 2 days that I had several meltdowns over nothing but the way I felt really. Felt like crap with stomached and headaches and all of that is gone for now I still need meds to sleep but have always had problems with my sleeping off and on. I am so glad you are starting to feel better and yes I'm sure your situation does not help. I hope everything works out how you want and that u continue to feel better!!!!