View Full Version : Better to live in town or country?

06-21-2012, 08:27 AM
What's your opinion? Is it nice living in town,not having to drive far to get the things you need/go to work and being where there's people? Or is the country better for you since you don't get bothered by people and noises?

I'm moving soon and can't decide. As of right now,I live in a town that's so small there isn't even a gas station. I live in a flat apartment building on the end,with one neighbor on my right. I have neighbors behind me. I have a bar right to my left. My neighbors constantly bother me and make my anxiety worse. They are always knocking on my door for stupid reasons and asking for favors. I also have to drive 7 minutes to get anywhere,and the town I actually like going to is 13 mins away. I don't like being so far away from anything.

06-21-2012, 09:39 AM
I like living in a city because everything is really close and i like being near a hospital just for safety BS reasons. i dont have neighbors who bug me (hopefully when you move thatll end!) but i do have to deal with brazilians/people from the UK/tourists constantly packed in grocery stores and malls near me since i live so close to disney. Its a small price to pay for the comfort of being in civilization though. I lived on land in the middle of nowhere when i was younger and got to have big dogs and a horse. It was alot of fun and peaceful but then again it wasnt when i was anxious. Maybe now itd be miserable for me, feeling stranded like i couldnt get help if needed. Depends on what your preferences are and what comforts you

06-22-2012, 12:40 PM
What state do you live in? I've been staying at my parents house a lot lately,and it's been going great for me. It's because they live in town and I'm more used to being around people and stores. If I lived out in the country,and started to feel shitty again it's possible I could go back to being housebound just because I'd have too much alone time. My neighbors are beyond irritating. They knock on my door to borrow my phone,borrow money,cigarettes from my boyfriend. The one guy that lives behind me doesn't get along with his wife ever so he always tries to come over. Him and my neighbor right next to me work 2nd shift and seem to think it's fine to drop by at midnight to ask for a favor or just to chat. They sit there and knock repeatedly if I don't answer,even though I'm obviously busy. I put a sign on my door that says knock one time only and don't knock after 10pm. If you do this anyway,we won't answer the door and will be MAD!! How sad is that... they drive me nuts. My landlord is a complete jackass too. No wonder I felt like shit for so long lol.

06-23-2012, 10:42 PM
What state do you live in? I've been staying at my parents house a lot lately,and it's been going great for me. It's because they live in town and I'm more used to being around people and stores. If I lived out in the country,and started to feel shitty again it's possible I could go back to being housebound just because I'd have too much alone time. My neighbors are beyond irritating. They knock on my door to borrow my phone,borrow money,cigarettes from my boyfriend. The one guy that lives behind me doesn't get along with his wife ever so he always tries to come over. Him and my neighbor right next to me work 2nd shift and seem to think it's fine to drop by at midnight to ask for a favor or just to chat. They sit there and knock repeatedly if I don't answer,even though I'm obviously busy. I put a sign on my door that says knock one time only and don't knock after 10pm. If you do this anyway,we won't answer the door and will be MAD!! How sad is that... they drive me nuts. My landlord is a complete jackass too. No wonder I felt like shit for so long lol.

I live in florida, in a big city. Ive been staying with my parents lately too. When ones at work i go to the others house and ive been spending alot of time with my older sister. I feel less independent but at the same time its been helping me so much. I actually have been driving all over by myself now because of all the times ive been getting out of the house with family. Its given my confidence a much needed boost. Your neighbors sound super needy and obnoxious! You and your man must be the coolest kids in the neighborhood lol. i had a neighbor like that but she was screwing her landlords fiance so she got kicked out. But she was so lonely always wanted a smoking buddy and would bang down the door whenever she saw my car in the driveway. I used to haul ass to my car whenever i had to go anywhere so she couldnt stop me and start a never ending conversation with me. It definitely made me anxious especially when i was trying to avoid her id get that feeling in the pit of my stomach like i was beig chased. The sign sounds like a good idea. Wish i wouldve thought of that. Im just too soft id rather run away like a little chicken shit then be upfront lol. Maybe u could get a place in the town close to your family and civilization but youd be independent at the same time

06-23-2012, 11:13 PM
Hi hope. I'm in Florida too. Nice to know I'm not the only one in the state with issues.

06-25-2012, 01:59 AM
Hi hope. I'm in Florida too. Nice to know I'm not the only one in the state with issues.

Of course you arent. :)

06-25-2012, 12:29 PM
I live a flat in a city but love the idea of living in the country. Not in the middle of nowhere though- still need to be reasonably close to a hospital, doctors etc. I love the peace and quiet and privacy you get in the country but in the city I like the fact that everywhere I need to go is pretty much on my doorstep.

06-27-2012, 11:36 PM
After living in a small city in so cal for 22 years I moved to NYC literally in the heart of the city. My anxiety is through the roof here. I always envision myself Living in the back woods in Oregon. One day.

07-02-2012, 09:58 AM
I live in florida, in a big city. Ive been staying with my parents lately too. When ones at work i go to the others house and ive been spending alot of time with my older sister. I feel less independent but at the same time its been helping me so much. I actually have been driving all over by myself now because of all the times ive been getting out of the house with family. Its given my confidence a much needed boost. Your neighbors sound super needy and obnoxious! You and your man must be the coolest kids in the neighborhood lol. i had a neighbor like that but she was screwing her landlords fiance so she got kicked out. But she was so lonely always wanted a smoking buddy and would bang down the door whenever she saw my car in the driveway. I used to haul ass to my car whenever i had to go anywhere so she couldnt stop me and start a never ending conversation with me. It definitely made me anxious especially when i was trying to avoid her id get that feeling in the pit of my stomach like i was beig chased. The sign sounds like a good idea. Wish i wouldve thought of that. Im just too soft id rather run away like a little chicken shit then be upfront lol. Maybe u could get a place in the town close to your family and civilization but youd be independent at the same time
Things are going good at my parents for now. We got evicted because we refused to pay our landlord lol. I'm having a lot of trouble finding a new rental place because I have cats. There's been plenty of good deals but most of them won't take any pets. This duplex is opening up by the lake here,and my boyfriend knows the guy renting it so I 'm hoping we get it. Yeah,neighbors can cause sooo much drama and stress! My gossipy neighbor called the cops on us because on our eviction date we had to go in through the screen to get the rest of our shit because my landlord changed the lock. She made it sound like we were random people breaking and entering. The cops told me they actually have her on a no respond list because she's such a psycho. Then later on I found out she and my other neighbor went in our apartment and stole stuff out of there. I called the cops and had them meet me out there to get my stuff back. She denied everything,but the guy said he had our stuff and was trying to get a hold of us all day to give it back. Hahaha. Make sure you never talk to your neighbors in the future. Most of the time they will expect you to babysit them.

07-02-2012, 04:40 PM

The old neighbors from hell.... I can absolutely relate. Dosen't it amaze you how inconsiderate people can be???? I live in a subdivision kinda out in the country but still within the city so I'm still pretty close to everything. When we first moved here the neighborhood was still under construction so we were like some of the first people here. It was everything I'd ever dreamed of... peaceful, quit and a very nice neighborhood, kids playing, people grilling in their back yards ect. And then came the beverly hillbillys. They moved in directly across the street from us and almost ruined the entire neighborhood scene. Cops were always raiding the place, they were out working on their cars until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and let their grass get 2 foot high before they mowed, fist fights in te middle of the street ect. They managed to live here for 6 years and then finally moved. .... thank you GOD! Now the neighborhoods back to normal like it was before. It's amazing how one bad seed can ruin something you work so hard to have.

Brittney, I hope you find what your looking for... one suggestion do your research before you make a decision, look for police reports online ect. We GAD sufferers can't afford any extra stress then we already have... good luck... let us know how your doing when you get in your new place. Being by the lake sounds nice.

07-02-2012, 09:04 PM
Brit, it sounds like you need a happy medium.

I live in the suburbs - I'm only a 20 min drive from our CBD and I only have to drive for 5 minutes to get to what I class as the 'country'. There's horses and stables and big open paddocks so yeah that = country.

I love it and that's one of the blessings of the town I live in. The farthest I have to drive is to my parents who live on the opposite side of the city. My partner and I live in the NE foothills and they live SW, 3 streets from the beach!

I know my neighbors to say hello to, but we all keep to ourselves and there is considerable privacy in my area. Our block of land is 1025m square so we have tons of room!!

07-03-2012, 08:49 AM

The old neighbors from hell.... I can absolutely relate. Dosen't it amaze you how inconsiderate people can be???? I live in a subdivision kinda out in the country but still within the city so I'm still pretty close to everything. When we first moved here the neighborhood was still under construction so we were like some of the first people here. It was everything I'd ever dreamed of... peaceful, quit and a very nice neighborhood, kids playing, people grilling in their back yards ect. And then came the beverly hillbillys. They moved in directly across the street from us and almost ruined the entire neighborhood scene. Cops were always raiding the place, they were out working on their cars until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning and let their grass get 2 foot high before they mowed, fist fights in te middle of the street ect. They managed to live here for 6 years and then finally moved. .... thank you GOD! Now the neighborhoods back to normal like it was before. It's amazing how one bad seed can ruin something you work so hard to have.

Brittney, I hope you find what your looking for... one suggestion do your research before you make a decision, look for police reports online ect. We GAD sufferers can't afford any extra stress then we already have... good luck... let us know how your doing when you get in your new place. Being by the lake sounds nice.

Looking for police reports online is a good idea,thanks. My neighbors have amazed me their scary bad manners and unintelligence for years now. At my old apartment building, I caught my neighbor with his face pressed into my door listening,and hiding in the closet right next to my apartment listening. Another neighbor asked to borrow everything from toilet paper to the last cigarette my boyfriend had that was already in his mouth. Yet another neighbor has threatened to drag my boyfriend around town with his car because I told him to tell his gf to stop asking us for cigarettes multiple times a day. I'm not going to just jump into some trashy living situation again and watch my GAD become the worse it's ever been. Definitely going to take my time!