View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety?

06-21-2012, 07:44 AM
For the past 6 years I have been suffering from these strange spells.
It feels like a mixture of floating or rising and dizziness/lightheadedness and feeling faint and I get all disorientated. It happens in waves. Like small bursts of it that last a few seconds then it goes and comes back again for a few seconds. This can last for up to 20 mins depending on where I am. For example if I was in a class, I couldn't really do much to help myself until it finished. It disrupts my breathing when I get it as I get so anxious over it because I don't know what to do for the best. I have had this standing up, sitting down and walking around. I feel perfectly normal and have no other symptoms leading up to it. It happens out of the blue.

I have been to the doctor and so far everything has come back normal.
I've had blood work, blood pressure taken, thyroid scan and an ecg, eye tests and ear test
I just wish I knew what it was. Not knowing makes me panic when I get it because I don't know what to do. I know its definitely happening and I know I'm not imagining it because I'm not even thinking about it when it happens.

Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

It just feels so physical and it happens out of the blue so I feel it cannot be anxiety.

06-21-2012, 09:50 AM
For the past 6 years I have been suffering from these strange spells.
It feels like a mixture of floating or rising and dizziness/lightheadedness and feeling faint and I get all disorientated. It happens in waves. Like small bursts of it that last a few seconds then it goes and comes back again for a few seconds. This can last for up to 20 mins depending on where I am. For example if I was in a class, I couldn't really do much to help myself until it finished. It disrupts my breathing when I get it as I get so anxious over it because I don't know what to do for the best. I have had this standing up, sitting down and walking around. I feel perfectly normal and have no other symptoms leading up to it. It happens out of the blue.

I have been to the doctor and so far everything has come back normal.
I've had blood work, blood pressure taken, thyroid scan and an ecg, eye tests and ear test
I just wish I knew what it was. Not knowing makes me panic when I get it because I don't know what to do. I know its definitely happening and I know I'm not imagining it because I'm not even thinking about it when it happens.

Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

It just feels so physical and it happens out of the blue so I feel it cannot be anxiety.

Panic attacks and anxiety can happen out of the blue, and they are also very physical! When a persons heart pounds out of their chest or they get dizzy from anxiety it is really happening and for explainable reasons. Sounds like anxiety to me but make sure your doctor ruled out anemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and hypoglycemia. Anxiety can cause very frightening and bizarre sensations. In my opinion theres nothing it cant cause (except death)