View Full Version : Weight Loss & Exercise problems.

06-21-2012, 02:12 AM
Hey , so I've been dealing with anxiety for about 6 months now and have lost a lot of weight from being stressed and such. I want to exercise and start eating right but feel doomed. I feel too anxious to exercise and don't know where to start honestly. Does anyone have any tips on helping ? I'm so out of shape with no energy. I'm going to start eating breakfast lunch and dinner , eat healthy and what not. I just don't know where to begin on the exercising part. I don't have much of an appetite and doctors say if you exercise that will help. He always says that diet and exercise alone help with anxiety so any feedback would be great :)

06-21-2012, 03:27 AM
I feel that I couldn't cope going to a gym due to my anxiety and also I couldn't really afford a gym membership anyway. I haven't exercised properly in years as the feelings when exercising remind me of a panic attack.

I recently bought a cheap exercise bike just to get me started and I found some weights that I'd bought about ten years ago. I've started using the equipment to slowly build up my exercise levels. I've been using the bike a couple of times a day for 20 mins each time, going at my own pace. I use it when watching tv and I do feel better for it. I'm hoping that eventually I'll get a bit fitter and feel good enough to go out for long walks and possible runs.

Have you looked into getting exercise equipment? You can get great deals for 2nd hand equipment and it's nice exercising in your own home. Or there are some great work out DVDs that you could try.

It's so hard to get motivated to do this sort of thing but start small with just a bit if exercise each day or second day. Eventually you'll notice a positive change and that will motivate you to do more.

B x

06-21-2012, 03:31 AM
Also meant to say that I am rubbish with eating and trying to get better. I tend to not eat anything until dinner time which is so bad. It makes me feel like crap yet I continue to do it. I'm also trying to have 3 balanced healthy meals a day but I do find it hard. I'm never hungry when I get up but am now having something even if it's just a breakfast bar and a banana and I have noticed my energy levels are greater.

06-21-2012, 07:55 AM
The fact that you want to start working out is a step in the right direction. Many aren't motivated or fear they will have a panic attack from their heart rate increasing. Start with just walking and stretching. Then I would say play some kind of sport outside. I play badminton or frisbee, that keeps me active and also distracts my mind so it doesn't wander. I too have the issue with not being able to eat enough! Try drinking whey protein shakes. Once or twice a day would be great. Mine has 140 calories in just the powder alone,so add it with milk and you got over 250. With 25 grams of protein. When you do eat,try to eat foods with the most protein. Eggs,beef,fish,lean meats. That way your full longer and don't have to eat as much.

06-22-2012, 11:54 PM
Thanks you guys! & yeah , I'm trying to better myself but get scared because I dont eat much so I'm always losing pounds. I get scared to exercise as well but I'm going to try to start with little things like walking and moving on from that.

06-23-2012, 09:25 PM
Hello, nice to meet you. You are going to need an exercise buddy to get started and keep you motivated. After a few months you will have the energy to do more.