View Full Version : anxiety ruining my sex life

06-20-2012, 10:41 PM
Is this ok to tqkk about? I want to know if anyone has the same problem.

06-20-2012, 11:18 PM
yep, I think it is, just don't get too graphic. Anxiety has messed with mine too. I got a panic attack before the event. There I was, explaining what was happening to me so she (a girl i was dating) understand it wasn't her but LOL, didn't work. She thought it was her =(

06-21-2012, 12:53 AM
I just have a total lack of interest since this bout of anxiety. Which is crazy because i always loved sex lol. I still have "solo sex" as usual, but its like im not confident enough to even handle pleasing someone else

06-21-2012, 01:33 AM
Having "health anxiety", I try not to over-excite my heart at present.
One morning session a few weeks back actually caused a whole day of over anxiousness, lol

Bad times!!!!!!!!! :-(

Only have sex when you are feeling absolutely calm and collected to start with.
If you start off on the wrong foot - it'll end in disaster!

06-21-2012, 04:05 AM
Who wants to have sex when you are in a state of panic? This is totally normal. You're probably up in your head a lot. But if you can have some good sex with someone you love and let go, it would probably be healing.

06-21-2012, 07:25 AM
Oh I get like that too from time to time. Sometimes I try and stop,sometimes I'm flat out not interested. Makes sense though...if your so excited it could seem intimidating to stay in the same spot and concentrate on that. It can also be distracting and relaxing.

06-21-2012, 08:16 AM
I can relate , I've always had a low sex drive , I was out in a new med a few months ago & it's helping with my anxiety & depression but has totally killed my sex drive , not good !!

I get very anxious about the whole sex thing & now I'm in a state where I get so nervous I panic when it's about to happen , I've been married a long time so I have no reason to feel this way at all , it is awful for both myself & my hubby :-(

06-21-2012, 10:29 AM
When I was at my worst I had no sex drive, in fact the mere thought brought more anxiety and nausea (not the biggest turn on for the guy as I'm dry heaving after the event)

Randomly once I started therapy and voiced my concerns and slowly got better the drive came back about a million fold lol if I'm having a shit head day then it still won't happen, have on occasion had a panic attack when I climax as obviously my heart thought 'hey look at me go I must be panicking' but despite the panic rarely during it doesn't put me off, sometimes it's worth the panic ;) lol

Don't stress about it too much, u don't need the unnecessary pressure on yourself :) it will get better slowly as you recover

06-21-2012, 10:45 PM
Thank everyone. I just dont know what to do. Me and him have been together for 2 years. we use to have it more than once a week. Now its once,a week or once every 2 Weeks. Its tearing us apart. We fight more,which is bad xause wheb we do fight my cheat hurts and I cant breath :(

06-21-2012, 11:09 PM
He should be able understand what your going through. Have you talked to him about how anxiety makes you feel?

06-21-2012, 11:21 PM
Yes we talk about it all,the time. He thinks it stupid sometimes that I have it and I should know its all in my head. I know it is. But I dont have to think about it. It just happens. I could think "ya know what I havent felt anything today" and once I say that my chest hurts and everythibg. And when I think about having sex I think about my body and then things start happening like cheat pain. Just typing this makes me hurt.

06-21-2012, 11:43 PM
Yeah I know what your going through. I was dating someone who felt i was cheating on her bc we were not having sex.
I could see her point of view but unfortunately, some people think (at least in my case), it's an excuse not too be intimate. Lol, if they only knew.