View Full Version : An Embarrassing Realization

06-20-2012, 10:33 PM
My husband and I had been talking about my oldest son and how he cannot seem to leave sores alone or bites on his body alone no matter what we try/tell him. (He's 13, ADHD, and ODD)

After talking about it with my husband, it suddenly dawned on me that I do the exact same thing! I'm worried now that I've passed it down to my son. I did some searching online, and I think that my constant "need" to pick at any type of sore on myself is related to my anxiety/depression but I'm not sure how or why. I don't know when I started to do it but I'm pretty sure it was during my teen years although it may have been a little after that even.

The other thing is, if it IS related to the anxiety/depression, I should probably bring it up to my psychiatrist/therapist but it's embarrassing to me and I have no idea how to even approach the subject. Does anyone else have this type of issue? I can't believe it never dawned on me until now but now that I am aware of it as being a problem, I can hopefully do something about it.