View Full Version : Mental institution

06-20-2012, 07:34 PM
So I've been thinking and want your opinion,

It's been said that no one actually goes crazy from anxiety. There's is no reports of that ever happening. However, why are people generally in mental institutions? Wouldn't you say that most of the people in there have anxiety? What do you guys think leads to people being committed?? Is it that people may be "crazy" since they were once a child or they become crazy?

I really want some input on this.

Thanks guys! Much love and respect,


06-21-2012, 02:29 AM
Hey Fresno,

When I was 20 (almost 10 years ago) I spent over 10 weeks institutionalised, due to the Eating Disorders that I had. I went in voluntarily (but I needed to go in) and at the first place I stayed, where I waited for a bed in a specialized ED facility, there were people in treatment for all kinds of reasons;

Depression, Bi-polar, Schizophrenia, Post natal depression, PTSD. A lot of people were in there because their behaviours were endangering their own lives, some had attempted suicide. Others were in there to supervise medication change overs or withdrawals and a couple of ladies were even in-patient to get electro-shock therapy.

In the mental health ward where my ED was treated, there were people in there for the treatment of anorexia and bulimia and also gambling addiction, as well as general psych patients like those I mentioned above.

Most of the people I met there were just 'normal' people who's problems had spiraled to the danger point. People who needed a time out from the world to get their shit together.

I never met anyone in there suffering from anxiety alone. But I think a number of people had GAD or PD as a co morbidity to their major diagnosis.

06-24-2012, 08:57 AM
Thanks Lauren and kev!!

I had been thinking about that a lot recently! I'm just wasn't sure that being committed is something common or extreme cases like kev mentioned...I'm still learning a lot about mental illness and how anxiety plays a part in that category. My anxiety is still there but it's not as bad as before, the Paxil I'm on has helped me a lot. Thanks for the reply guys I wanted that doubt cleared and a 2nd opinion

06-24-2012, 09:12 AM
Anxiety treatment is usually all outpatient unless a patient has not had treatment and has an extreme case and needs to be calmed down and properly diagnosed under supervision. Most seek help sooner so no inpatient in needed.
Disorders that need to go inpatient(could be brief or longer) would be schizophrenia, manic phase of bipolar, severe major depression, serious substance abuse cases, serious PTSD or cases where the patient has self treated with drugs/alcohol and needs supervision to be "cleaned up", properly diagnosed and treated. There are neurological disorders(dementia, etc) that often need inpatient care but I am less familiar with these. Alankay

06-24-2012, 12:29 PM
When I think mental institution I think people being on restraints on a bed and locked up. I suppose you guys are right! Mental institutions are for more extreme cases like people with dementia etc....I guess you just start to think drastically when you have anxiety and fear of getting locked up in a place like that...thanks alankay for the response :)