View Full Version : Desparate

06-20-2012, 07:22 PM
I really need help on how to get off of Xanax XR. I've been taking 1 mg for about 2 months now. Any advice here?

06-20-2012, 07:31 PM
Start tapering down 0.125mg every 5 days. This should eliminate any unpleasant effects. If you want you can also have your doc ween you off.

2 months isnt that long of taking it. You shouldnt have bad withdrawal if any at all. XR is less habit forming than IR xanax

06-21-2012, 05:26 PM
My doctor is r

06-21-2012, 05:28 PM
My doctor and nurse are refusing to tell me over the phone how to taper off of Xanax XR. The only way they will tell me is if I make an appointment and come in. I've been to sick and anxious to go pretty much anywhere. I need to know how to taper off this drug soon, especially since there is a high possibility I could be pregnant.

06-21-2012, 05:52 PM
A slow taper is proper as Hope above mentioned but sometimes a switch to a longer acter first is in order and then a taper off that is better. In this case after only 2 months I think a straight taper of would be best. If you have enough for the rate Hope mentioned, I second that. 1mg of xanax LA is not a large dose so that rate should be OK. Maybe even .25mg per week would be OK. Alankay.

06-21-2012, 06:07 PM
When you get your appointment, ask your doctor for a script for .125 MG Xanax. If you can't get that drug for whatever reason, go for .25. Drop the dose .125 every week to avoid the bad withdrawals. This should be slow enough to relieve anxiety and still get you un-addicted so to speak.
I read somewhere that Tramadol can be perscribed to fight SSRI and Benzo withdrawals, but that might be a bigger issue than the Xanax.
Talk to your doctor and therapist about options.

06-21-2012, 06:23 PM
I'm getting really anxious just thinking about the appointment. My doctor and nurse make me anxious. Any ideas on how to prep myself for an appointment?

06-21-2012, 06:43 PM
The appointment should be painless- Nothing bad is going to happen- it's only going to help you avoid withdrawals. It will be fast and easy. Nothing to worry about.

Honestly, 1mg a day for two months isn't THAT much. It's decent, but some people have to taper off of benzos after being on it for years, even decades. I was taking .5-1mg of ativan a day for 2 months, stopped cold turkey with no issues whatsoever.

Taper down slowly, and take your doctors advice. Switching to something else could help a lot for the short term.

06-21-2012, 06:57 PM
bham, you're right. I just tend to get anxious before doctors appointments, especially if the doctor and or nurse make me anxious.