View Full Version : Every panic attack feels different

06-20-2012, 05:48 AM
Hello again.....yesterday and a little bit of today was horrible for me. Recently ive been struggling with a weird headache and some dizziness. It was about 90 degrees in the building I was working at yesterday and my headache felt really bad. On my way home I started to get an anxiety attack for no apparent reason. What I'm starting to notice is that every panic attack I've had (which has been 3 including yesterday's) has been all different.

My first one, I felt this overwhelming rush of adrenaline, felt like my heart was beating out of my chest, thought I was having a heart attack.

Second one, my hands got all tingly, face around mouth became all tingly, didn't pay too much attention to my heart.

Third one (yesterday's), all I could feel is my heart racing and beating super hard, didn't feel anxious much but I knew it was an attack?

My question is, has anyone else noticed there panic attacks seem and feel different? Also has anyone ever had crazy headaches? It drives me crazy!

06-20-2012, 09:47 AM
Yeah! You can have all the symptoms at once,or just a couple. Sometimes the same symptoms stick around for a while,and leave then come back later on. What are you doing to help reduce your panic attacks?

06-20-2012, 10:07 AM
Well when I start to feel my heart beating faster and harder I crouch down to where my knees are into my chest, then I squeeze like im making a bowel movement. It seems to help but if I keep dwelling on it I have to call someone to talk me through it. I had to take a Xanax yesterday because I thought I'd never get out of it!

06-20-2012, 03:04 PM
Hello there I found a way that helps me and may help you too if you sit down at a chair and slowly shake your foot up and Down on your heel this seems for me to stop me feeling my palpitations if you mix this with a distraction (watching a funny YouTube video) it seems to help me hope this helps you too