View Full Version : Benzos helping but making me anxious because I'm constantly told they are addicting..

06-19-2012, 08:26 PM
Does anyone else have the feeling that nothing has helped you during panic attacks as well as benzos (I take xanax .5 1 or 2 times a day)?? I constantly get told by people that they should only be taken when needed but to be cautious because they are habit forming..which makes me extremely nervous thinking I can get addicted to them! My psychiatrist said its fine to take them as needed but I constantly read that they should only be taken short term and it makes me so stressed out that I have to rely on them for panic attacks. Has anyone taken a benzo long term and NOT gotten addicted?

06-19-2012, 08:31 PM
I only take Xanax at night because I can't sleep. The times I've tried not use them, I've had restless nights. Try to only use them when severe anxiety hits you.

06-19-2012, 09:09 PM
I have been on Xanax for 12 years. At first it was not so "dependent" upon. I could take it off and on and be ok. Unfortunately after all of these years I am dependent upon it. I could not function with out it. If your anxiety is that bad you may end up like me. I will probably be on it the rest of my life but I'm also hearing it causes rebound anxiety which would explain any worsening anxiety. I took .25 for 10 years at 2-3 a day. Now I'm at .50 at 4 a day. I would suggest you not taking them and doing therapy and trying to do it naturally if possible. If not then I don't see much harm. I dont see any long term effects except a crapy memory but sitting at home not using my brain for years could explain that. I am very dependent on Xanax though and wheel I would new a rehab to wean me off of this if that where the case but then if I still have anxiety/panic, it wouldn't solve anything.

Ugh, idk that's a tough one. How sever is your condition and how long have u been having this issue?

06-19-2012, 09:12 PM
Are you taking an AD to try and help as well do your not so reliant upon the B's?

06-19-2012, 09:54 PM
Hi all, thanks for the replies. No I have tried lexapro and had such a bad reaction about two years ago I have been scared to try anything else!

06-19-2012, 11:16 PM
I had a bad reaction to just about all AD's and was scared scared scared to try anything after going through them. I eventually grew tired of the anxiety, which was extreme, I gave the AD's one more try and I finally am functioning and happy. Maybe you should try another one perhaps Prozac not quite as strong as Lexapro.

06-20-2012, 04:11 AM
Benzos are very addicting and are chemicals that should ONLY be taken if you absolutely need it and not every day. You don't need to be on Xanax the rest of your life. Never say that again. You just have to spend a few months cutting the dosage little by little until you get off it. You will have withdrawal, but you can minimize it if you cut little by little.

Spend 100% of your efforts curing your anxiety naturally is the best way to do this. If you're going to pop a Benzo, don't do it regularly, and if you do it, don't worry about it. Just cure your anxiety naturally and then you won't have to take Benzos. And if you are on Benzos, start dropping the dose slightly and get the fuck off them!

As far as Im concerned, nobody's anxiety is so bad you can't get way better naturally. You just got to do the steps though.