View Full Version : Flying soon

06-19-2012, 07:56 PM
Hi I'm new & we can all use each other. My anxiety comes on strong at certain times but more so recently. My anxiety is a struggle for me. Everyday I try to stay motivated because I'm 37 (young) battle daily & every time I know I have to fly I freak out!!!!!!! I'm on lexapro have been for 3 years. This is me.
It can't be anxiety.
Is it anxiety.
What if I die or heart attack every minute.
What if my Xanax doesn't work.
What if I can't control my breathing.
This is my 20-30th flight why is this flight so bad?
What if, why, hope this is obviously anxiety but I swear it's (in my battles with anxiety) hormone imbalance... Help!

06-19-2012, 08:06 PM
I swear by the fact that my anxiety is brought on even a little by my hormones (I'm 40).
However, I hate to fly and haven't since 2001. I used to fly a lot, all over. But then I had kids and the fear set in.
So I understand you, completely!
I can tell you, which many have probably told you, that flying is safer than driving. I was a Travel Agent for 3 years (back in the 1990's),
and I sent hundreds of people on flights monthly, and they all came back safely. Each time. Now I can run that through my mind a million times,
and I still won't fly :/

06-19-2012, 08:34 PM
It is safe I know but it's something I have to do just have to... C'mon u can do it.

06-20-2012, 02:16 AM
Are you someone who has gone to the ER repeatedly only to find out it was only your anxiety?
You might find this article interesting:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2011/07/22/plane-hospital-risk_n_906969.html

I too have a fear of flying. After 9/11 and watching Lost (i was nervous beforehand but those two things made it worse) i have needed xanax to fly. Take a little more than usual to sedate yourself and just try to relax. Planes want to stay in the air, its physics. Youll be alright. Dont let silly anxiety get in the way of you living your life. I want to fly from FL to germany one day and see europe. And dammit, anxiety wont stop me!

06-20-2012, 04:28 AM
I think with flying, is it is a hard anxiety to get rid of. I think the best thing is to intellectually understand flying is way safer than anything that happens on the ground, and just get on the plane. If you get anxiety, keep your breathing calm and try to stay very calm. I don't know if I will ever be able to fly without being at least a little scared. That turbulence always freaks me out. I am able to not have an anxiety attack, but I still grip the seats and just feel really scared. I have even held the hand of the person next to me. It helps to read about the safety of flying and how turbulence is a normal part of flying and can't mess up the planes.

What I find, is that at the end of the flight, I feel pretty good that I did it.

06-20-2012, 05:53 AM
... For me it was Final Destination.

I'm constantly haunted by dreams of either being on a crashing plane, seeing my family die in a crash or watching planes crash in the sky. I never used to be phobic of flying, but with nightmares like this, it's hard not to be.

In just two weeks I have a four hour flight to take and I am obviously quite nervous. I have flown twice since my anxiety started and have been ok so far and that is the only thought that is keeping me going.

I'm going to load up on Valium and I'll have my family and partner with me. I just want to get to my destination and enjoy myself for my 30th birthday.

Fortunately I have an appointment with a psychologist beforehand and I want to get in to see my psychiatrist too. I'm under mountains of stress with work and my relationship at the moment, so it's no surprise that I'm feeling apprehensive.

Anxiety be damned. I know it probably wont be a comfortable experience, but I know I can get through this. I'm not scared of dying and I just want to be brave.

I can do this. We can do this together!!

06-20-2012, 06:24 AM
Fear of flying is a control thing. I'm a person who has to be in/have control. If I'm not flying the plane I'm worried about who is. LOL!
But like I said, I used to fly a lot: Greece, Canada, the West Coast of the U.S., Midwest, East Coast, Mexico. Wasn't afraid long ago.

06-20-2012, 07:00 AM
You all have been helpful & yes I have gone to ER to have EKG's done, called 911 because I was having a heart attack, drink lots of water to calm down, swore I'm dyeing, I have brain tumor, I am low in progesterone, I'm going blind, my arm is numb I must be dyeing... As I send all this it does sound ridiculous but!! To Anxiety people it makes sense. I have flown several times but my last time I had bad panic before take off and I should have taken Xanax but I thought "I'm fine I don't have anxiety" huh!!

It's actually sad to come to the realization on how bad my anxiety is once I type it out. I just need to get a grip, stay focused, eat right, drink lots of water and take my meds. While sending this I'm still thinking "it's my hormones" oh goodness!!!