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06-19-2012, 07:52 PM
My name is shanel I live in Canada I'm 20 I'm a stay at home mom and my anxiety is at its worst I'm hope in to go back to work in 6 - 12 months but dredging leaving my baby id like to get to know some of you as I don't have many friends I moved to a new province and stay at home most days :) so tell a little about your self your age what you do for a living how your coping with your anxiety

06-19-2012, 09:11 PM
Hi, I live in CA, 30 years old and have a child with cerebral palsy. I've had panic attacks and anxiety for 4 months. I also work full time in a busy and stressful job. I am coping with my anxiety with prozac, keeping busy, eating right and trying to relax and think about positive things in my life. It's tough but the past few days have been better for me.

06-19-2012, 09:35 PM
Hello, I'm 36 also from CA and I've had anxiety for about 3.5 months. My job is stressful and this last week, my anxiety has been bad. I exercise, eat healthy, and take Xanax. I thought I could beat it on my own but starting next week, I'm seeing a therapist.

06-20-2012, 12:29 AM
Hi! Im 25 year old mother of a 2 year old baby girl. I've suffered with anxiety for a little over a year now. I've never taken meds for it just tried to stay busy, I started seeing a therapist but that did nothing for me. They just pushed meds on me which I didn't want. I've started doing counseling and it's helped my life immensely! I'm happier now than i have been in so long. Feel free to pm me. I know what it's like dealing with it with a young child and still trying to function.

06-20-2012, 12:30 AM
Counseling with a clinically and biblically trained counselor.

Robert James Croft
06-20-2012, 02:21 AM
Hey my names rob nice to meet you. I v had every anxiety symptom going. I got to the point where i felt that sick i could not eat. Could not stand sound or to be around people. i work full time with a daughter 18 month. I used to have several panic attacks a day. Ending up in a n e Could not do any thing with out feeling sick. I m still fighting here alive. Every days a battle and negative. I have general anxiety. I feel it mostly through the day for no reason.. i find it hard to chill out and relax. I m like a time bomb with my moods. But there must be light at the end of the tunnel :) ya see stress is stress anxiety is fear panic is overwhelmed fear and depression is the low mood side which i suffer all. Any way hope this helps you rob x

06-20-2012, 03:18 AM
Hi everyone

I'm Jeremy 23, my anxiety started late December early January and was bad at that point. I've had a lot of symptoms of anxiety...I took Xanax for a while but haven't taken that since January....I was managing on my own but I couldn't do it anymore so I started Paxil in April....it helped a lot! I've recently been experiencing a little bit of edginess but if I relax and meditate it wears off....any question please feel free to PM anytime!

I like to help other as much as I can,


Robert James Croft
06-20-2012, 03:23 AM
How do you meditate id love to learn please help me rob x

06-20-2012, 07:03 AM
Does any one else hate being alone? When ever my bf has a day off and decideds to spend it Doing something with out me I have a break down :)

06-20-2012, 09:37 AM
Hey,I'm Brittany and going to be 21 in a month. I'm not working at the moment,just focusing on getting out of an anxiety rut. Feeling better and about to get to work soon. I'm moving,so I'm going to wait until then before I start looking. I want a job in town so I don't have to drive that long and have the time to try to talk myself out of working,lol. As for what I'm doing to help my anxiety...staying busy,distracting myself,thinking positive. :)

06-20-2012, 10:42 AM
Hi I'm Jessy , I'm 31 & I have 2 children (boys)) & 2 step children (boy & girl) , I am married .

I have had anxiety since being a child & suffered on & off with depression throughout my life also.

Anxiety & depression run in my family , my mother suffers & my father , my grandfather (mothers father) committed suicide when my mother was 12 years old .

I take an anti depressant at night (Doaulepin) & I have Lorazapam as & when needed . I've been in hospital at my worst & also suicidal at my worst .

I have had many different medications over the years , some have been a battle to get off & some have made thing worse , however the combination I am on now seems to be o.k for me

My husband & I have our own business , very stressful !!
We have also had many marriage difficulties over the years .

I suffered post natal depression & terrible anxiety after having my children .

I can manage my anxiety fairly well because I've had it for so long & learnt so much about it , I still have the odd panic attack & I still suffer a lot of the symptoms .

I have become very isolated & do not have any social life , I fear being in social situations & at times have suffered from agoraphobia .

Exercise helps me & reading , and my faith in god

Nice to meet you all :-) x

06-20-2012, 10:49 AM
My name is shanel I live in Canada I'm 20 I'm a stay at home mom and my anxiety is at its worst I'm hope in to go back to work in 6 - 12 months but dredging leaving my baby id like to get to know some of you as I don't have many friends I moved to a new province and stay at home most days :) so tell a little about your self your age what you do for a living how your coping with your anxiety

Heyy Shane, Welcome! Im 20, ill be 21 on july 10. I live in florida and Im a cashier at a local grocery chain working through college, but im taking time off right now to hopefully feel back to my old self. Hoping to get back to work in a week or two.
To cope with my anxiety ive been taking vitamins, exercising, and getting out of the house atleast once a day. Ive also been seeing a therapist. When my anxiety is just too much i have low dose xanax to take.
Just learning about anxiety has helped me to calm down...when its new and you dont know whats going on with yourself, it can be terrifying. I have a friend in your same boat, but a US version lol. Shes 20 and her husband moved her far from anything she knows (for work) and its been real hard on her. Im here if you need someone to talk to. Hope this forum helps you...i know its played a part in the progress ive made

06-20-2012, 10:56 AM
"Just learning about anxiety has helped me to calm down...when its new and you dont know whats going on with yourself, it can be terrifying."

Bingo Hopenfaith88! That is so very true and very, very important. Before I knew little about anxiety and education has been as helpful as ye olde benzo!:) Only caveat is not to read up on anxiety when anxious. Do it when all clamed own as at least for me it got me more abnxious until I knew more.

06-20-2012, 06:41 PM
Heya, I'm Heather and I'm 30 yrs old. I live in Tennessee, but I'm from Texas. (I miss Texas SO much! ) I'm married for 10 years with a 9 year old daughter. I've got general anxiety and panic disorder but I think I'm one of the luckier people as mine only rears it's ugly head when I'm put in an extremely stressful situation. Then I tend to obsess over things that have NOTHING to do with my current stress.

I've recently been working to change my attitude to a more positive one. :D

I'm a gamer and geek too! :P

(I'm not all anxiety. It's not what makes me who I am, even though it the worst of times, it feels like it defines me...)

06-21-2012, 02:09 AM
I'm Laura. I was born in the UK, but live in Australia. I run the English department at local high school and I LOVE my job. Working with young people every day is the best thing in my life. I love helping people achieve their goals.

I turn 30 on the 10th July. I live in a gorgeous house with my fiancé and partner of 8 years. We have 2 cats, a dog, a snake and a corella. I love singing, drawing, writing and running.

I have been dealing with anxiety for a total of 4 years now - it has been off and on. Before the anxiety, I suffered from major depression, PTSD, anorexia and bulimia - which I was hospitalized for when I was 20.

I guess that in terms of my mental health, I have a lot to be thankful for in the sense that I have overcome some huge obstacles. However, I still find anxiety a major struggle, it is definitely the most debilitating of the health problems i have had, but I am happy to report that it has been a good 2 months since my last bad panic attack.

I love this forum and the people on it and I am so grateful to have a place to seek advice, vent and share my journey as I overcome this awful disease.

06-21-2012, 05:56 AM
Hello and welcome,

My name is Jorge and I am 30 years of age. You asked to share personal stories, well here is mine:

2011 was a horrible year for me. I lost my job in 2/11, feel behind on my mortgage, was running to financial problems and was unemployed for about 5 months. In June of 2011, I was blessed
to find a very good job and everything seemed to fall back into place.

In Nov 2011, after coming back on my lunch break, I started feeling a little dizzy so I started looking up the symptoms on webmd and to no avail, heart attack symptoms came up. At that time I felt like I ha to get out of there so I got up and started walking to the restroom, on the way to the restroom I started experiencing those same symptoms that I saw online. Crushing
chest pain, my whole left side was tingling, fast heart beat, hot flashes and just some other crazy symptoms. I called 911 the paramedics came and took me to the hospital.

I was in the hospital for 5 days, they ran every test under the sun. They did a cardiac cath, echocardiogram, EKG, X-ray, MRI of the brain, countless of blood test, and all of the test came back negative. That was Nov 2011, since that day, I have not been the same. I've been to numerous of cardiologists, neurologists, endocrinologists, I've been to the ER at least 7 times, have done additional testing for thyroid, parathyroid, pheochromocytoma, ultrasound of the carotid arteries, Lung VQ scan to check for blood clots, an again everything comes back negative.

All the doctors are telling me the same thing, that I experienced a panic attack and now suffer from
Anxiety from the feat that the panic attack will happen again. What I don't understand is the symptoms that I am feeling. From the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep, I feel tingling in my face, my right side of my face twitches alot, I feel flushed all the time and feel like I am sweating on my forehead, I experience chest pain and all sorts of crazy symptoms, but the constant tingling and constant ligheadedness is what gets me. I am always feeling like I'm going to pass out and die

I am constantly asking myself Can the doctors have missed something and I actually have something more serious? And if it is anxiety, how long does it take to get back to my pre Nov 2011 life?