View Full Version : Loud heartbeat and weird sensations

06-19-2012, 07:04 PM
Hi guys.

Just wanted to know if anyone here experiences not a fast, but hard heartbeat or loud? I so happen to get them once in a while, but I always think there is something wrong with my heart. I go up a flight of stairs and I feel tingling sensation on the back and side of my neck.

I have done all cardiac testing even a cardiac catherization, the doctors all say that I am healthy and my heart is in good condition, but it's so hard to believe that when I feel these sensations, I feel like there is something wrong with me that the doctors haven't found yet.

The other day I was doing exercise, after I finished, like 20 mins later my back started to feel sore and then I started thinking that I was having a heart attack because I felt heat rise up to my bak and chest, I started getting dizzy

Is there something more than anxiety that can be causing these sensations?

I'm going crazy!

06-23-2012, 10:40 PM
If u have had all cardiac avenues checked. You.probably need to accept that it is anxiety. I still struggle at times with these feelings and sensations like u but I try to remember all the tests and that nothing was wrong. Goodluck