View Full Version : Hard heartbeat and weird sensations

06-19-2012, 05:59 PM
Hi guys.

Just wanted to know if anyone here experiences not a fast, but hard heartbeat or loud? I so happen to get them once in a while, but I always think there is something wrong with my heart. I go up a flight of stairs and I feel tingling sensation on the back and side of my neck.

I have done all cardiac testing even a cardiac catherization, the doctors all say that I am healthy and my heart is in good condition, but it's so hard to believe that when I feel these sensations, I feel like there is something wrong with me that the doctors haven't found yet.

The other day I was doing exercise, after I finished, like 20 mins later my back started to feel sore and then I started thinking that I was having a heart attack because I felt heat rise up to my bak and chest, I started getting dizzy

Is there something more than anxiety that can be causing these sensations?

I'm going crazy!

Robert James Croft
06-19-2012, 06:10 PM
I m afraid its anxiety mate. Does weird things to the body that sometimes is uncontrollable. Anxiety is all about negative thoughts. If you think negative you will react negative. I no its hard to think positive. And when you get all the symptoms. Racing heart feel sick spaced out prickly burning sensations tight throat chest pains feel ill and out of control. We do fear it!!!!! Its hard not to then we panic . Don t worry you not alone :) mate

06-19-2012, 09:39 PM
Hi guys.

Just wanted to know if anyone here experiences not a fast, but hard heartbeat or loud? I so happen to get them once in a while, but I always think there is something wrong with my heart. I go up a flight of stairs and I feel tingling sensation on the back and side of my neck.

I have done all cardiac testing even a cardiac catherization, the doctors all say that I am healthy and my heart is in good condition, but it's so hard to believe that when I feel these sensations, I feel like there is something wrong with me that the doctors haven't found yet.

The other day I was doing exercise, after I finished, like 20 mins later my back started to feel sore and then I started thinking that I was having a heart attack because I felt heat rise up to my bak and chest, I started getting dizzy

Is there something more than anxiety that can be causing these sensations?

I'm going crazy!

Sounds like anxiety to me. Just got out of four days in the hospital and had a recorder placed by my heart to record abnormal heartbeats took every heart test you can think of and they can't find anything. I get tingling in my hands and feet many times when your stress level rises anxiety symptoms present themselves. Mind you I have been on Lexapro for 7 yrs. I also get a foggy type feeling that last for days or even weeks. Just try to fight it. Don't let it consume you.