View Full Version : What did you do today to help yourself?

06-19-2012, 03:12 PM
Lets get some good energy going. What did you do today, any small task, that helped YOU? It could be anything! Take a walk? Read a good book? Buy yourself that little something that you've had your eye on?

I'll start:

I get a lot of anxiety while driving. So, i've purposely gone out of my way to take an "out of the way" drive in the morning before work (I work within walking distance of my office). I plan on keeping this up until I feel comfortable.

Your turn..

06-19-2012, 03:33 PM
Enjoyed some time on the porch swing with the family! :). I'm working on just enjoying my time without over thinking everything!

06-19-2012, 03:34 PM
Well done on the driving, J and that's great Absolut- I need to work on that!

I was at the supermarket today doing a big shop and after about 10mins I started feeling really weird and like I was going to panic. But instead of freaking out and cutting my trip short I told myself to stop being silly and that the feelings will pass. They did pass and within a few minutes i was totally fine :) Little things like that help me prove to myself that I can do things and I don't need to run away as soon as I feel a bit "funny".

Also on sunday I went to the theatre and managed to sit through an almost 2 hour perfomance with no problems- I really enjoyed the play and had no feelings of "I need to get out of here". It was amazing and a few months ago I would never have dreamed of even attempting to go to the theatre! I actually felt "normal" and part of society again.

06-19-2012, 03:45 PM
I finally cleaned my house and started walking for excersise. I also tried not to take as much Xanax and let the feeling of panic pass in the middle of the night. I found going back to sleep after waking up in a panic actually helps!

06-19-2012, 03:56 PM
I cleaned my room today thoroughly, even steamcleaned the carpet. Then i took my dog on a long walk to parts of the neighborhood he hasnt seen before. Then ate a nice well rounded dinner. Im feeling good today. Havent needed to take any xanax. Tonight im going to sleep over at my dads house since my moms going out of town. Nothing beats that confidence high from getting out and doing something you didnt think you could. Im proud of all of you :D

06-19-2012, 03:56 PM
I got an air conditioner. My apartment has been HOT and it makes me feel all cramped and nasty.

I also have been doing better at distraction. I realized today and yesterday how much I THINK about anxiety. It was almost like every minute or two I would think "I have an anxiety disorder", "I have panic attacks" etc. I realized how my best times are when I don't think about it. So, as hard as it sounds, I made a conscious effort not to think about it. And it's been a great day!

06-19-2012, 05:40 PM
I spent the day taking care of my family. We're in rough times now, but we'll figure all this out. I helped my husband send out resumes, I did dishes, and made lunch and dinner. I've felt pretty good the last couple of days. One thing anxiety and panic has shown me... appreciate the days I DO feel good and capable.

06-20-2012, 12:36 AM
Car rides scare me outside of about ten miles of myself. Today my husband asked me to go an hour away and usually I would say no but today I went and had a great time and I actually DROVE back! That's huge! I wanted to pull over so many times but I kept going and I lived lol.

06-20-2012, 01:10 AM
Hi, I'm New here, today i found myself worrying about the future as usual, i found myself in a high anxiety pattern, the best thing i know helps is meditation, I'm also new with meditation, but i really think it helps does help.

Robert James Croft
06-20-2012, 02:34 AM
I usually go to work come home i m like a hamster wheel with my thoughts. Constantly going around. I v mastered the panic not had a attack in like 5 months now i just feel the anxiety all throughout the day work and home . I m always hot chest pains tightnes hot and cold sickness rubber band feeling around head. Prickly feeling on back arms hot and cold sweats dizzy every symptom going. Worse one i hate is throat tightness boiled sweet down throat . So any way not found my coping method yet . Don t no how to switch off . Rob x

06-20-2012, 08:03 AM
Good work, everyone!

06-20-2012, 10:52 AM
Hi all , today I went for a power walk & also did a workout DVD .
Considering how I've been the last few months , this is a very big achievement . :-)

Well done everyone .
Cherish the good days & be proud of the little achievements !!!!

06-20-2012, 11:34 AM
I made small talk with a girl at the office I like! Feeling super happy!!

06-20-2012, 12:01 PM
I walked my daughter down to the river to feed the swans and then to the shops to get some lunch.

06-20-2012, 12:13 PM
I gave a 45 minute presentation. I was feeling all of the symptoms of anxiety (dizzyness, lightheadedness), but got through it and felt great after. Then, I went for my drive, did well, had a few jolt moments, but got through them. They happened because of negative thinking.

06-21-2012, 11:22 PM
Let's keep this thread going, today, I was able not to be scared of my anxiety. Everytime I had a negative, I countered by flipping it with a positive thought.

06-22-2012, 09:50 AM
Eh, today I've had that... weird jittery feeling in my shoulders and arms. I'm pushing past it though, went to the market and I'm going to clean the house and keep myself busy!

06-22-2012, 11:28 AM
Today I went to work without anxiety the whole drive, managed 7 hour shift and arranged my week next week so I have absolutely no free time to stop and think (I.e. panic) :)

06-22-2012, 12:14 PM
Went for another drive, and in general am really starting to understand why the symptoms are happening. I'm constantly "checking" myself to make sure everything is ok.

06-28-2012, 08:07 PM
Today i stayed out of the house for over 9 hours! And i was in the car for alot of the time. I went to the doc (35 min drive from my house), sat in traffic on the interstate getting there. So it took over an hour. No panic. Then i spent a couple hours driving to different pharmacies trying to fill my meds. Then i picked up my ex gf (we are working on gettig back together) and we went out and had lunch. Then i took her back to my house (20 min drive) and we hung out then i took her back home there and back 20 min each way. No panic or anxiety all day and no xanax needed either!!!

I feel like im on cloud 9 its a great feeling to feel normal when i was so sure i never would!
Anxiety is never permanent. I think whatever higher power out there shows enough mercy to give us days off every now and then from anxiety hell :)

06-28-2012, 09:01 PM
That's awesome hopeNfaith88! Keep it up!!!

06-28-2012, 11:12 PM
I walked a few blocks to the market to get a few things that I've needed. Even if it's me getting out of the apartment for an hour, it's something. Baby steps. I feel better when I'm out, it's just picking myself up off the couch and doing it. I'm very self conscious so it's really hard for me to go out in public now that I'm living in NYC!