View Full Version : Physical symptoms not going away????

06-18-2012, 08:07 PM
So I am feeling better mentally for the most part. But I still get where I feel like I'm going to fall over,things still look a little bright and crazy sometimes,and I lose my concentration. Sometimes I forget what I'm talking about. The falling over feeling is the most common one. I have gotten really good about thinking positively and realizing it's just anxiety so I realize it's nothing serious right away or calm down quick. But it's still uncomfortable. The best way to describe it would be I feel decent,but still not my normal self.

Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

06-18-2012, 08:26 PM
Oh yeah, I have this for sure, it's the worst. I think it's just a matter of retraining the way you think. After you have spent so long being hyper aware of physical symptoms, its going to take awhile to go back to not being overly vigilant. I've had all kinds of physical symptoms come out of the blue when I thought I was feeling fine mentally. It sounds like you're on the right track though, one day you'll find your symptoms have completely faded and you didn't even notice :)

06-18-2012, 08:30 PM
So I am feeling better mentally for the most part. But I still get where I feel like I'm going to fall over,things still look a little bright and crazy sometimes,and I lose my concentration. Sometimes I forget what I'm talking about. The falling over feeling is the most common one. I have gotten really good about thinking positively and realizing it's just anxiety so I realize it's nothing serious right away or calm down quick. But it's still uncomfortable. The best way to describe it would be I feel decent,but still not my normal self.

Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

I have similar things. I feel the falling over feeling. Usually if I sit down for awhile or drink some fluids I get better. I have trouble sitting still for awhile too. My leg shakes. Your doing the right thing with telling yourself to calm down. You can try a breathing exercise I learned from my therapist. Breath in for 8 seconds. Hold your breath for 4 seconds and then slowly release for 8 seconds. Do this 3 times in a row. Try stretching every morning and night too. That helps me physically.

06-18-2012, 08:30 PM
Hello I would like to comment and tell you that I have family that did not care for my sickness. They thought it would be funny to make things worse.

I had to cut them off, but now my neighbors are harassing me. I am having the hardest time recovering and I am going to move yet again for the fourth time in five years in the hopes that I find some peace.

06-18-2012, 10:35 PM
For me, getting over anxiety is like getting over a bad break up. At first, I am drowning in it. Overtime, I go fifteen minutes without thinking about it. Then hours at a time. I hope one day this turns into whole days without experiencing anxiety.

It's so frustrating because I have gotten so much better but it feels as though some parts of my anxiety will never totally go away!

Maybe some things only time can heal, and we have to be kind to ourselves while we wait to be better.

06-19-2012, 03:18 AM
I also find the physical symptoms a nightmare. I can rationalise thoughts in my head and deal with them but the physical symptoms are very difficult to control. I have found some relief in taking beta blockers as that makes your heart beat at a steady pace so I no longer get a fast heart that feels like it's going to burst out my chest. It's fantastic though that you are not letting these symptoms freak you out too much and that you are being rational. Seems you are on the road to recovery, it may be just a bit longer than you hoped but sounds like you are getting there.

06-19-2012, 12:56 PM
Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate it. Even just hearing that other people have the same issues as me is comforting. I am aware I'm on the right track,because I'm able to do most things. Yeah,the physical symptoms are a pain but they will go away. Really,we should all be happy we don't get affected too much anymore. :)

06-19-2012, 01:36 PM
So I am feeling better mentally for the most part. But I still get where I feel like I'm going to fall over,things still look a little bright and crazy sometimes,and I lose my concentration. Sometimes I forget what I'm talking about. The falling over feeling is the most common one. I have gotten really good about thinking positively and realizing it's just anxiety so I realize it's nothing serious right away or calm down quick. But it's still uncomfortable. The best way to describe it would be I feel decent,but still not my normal self.

Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

Damn this is EXACTLY what im going thru right now. Like verbatim lol i feel so much better reading this.
So i first identified with you when i was at my worst. Now ive adapted to it, i dont panic as much and i feel like im getting better. I stumble still, i stutter when i talk sometimes (never used to) and i say all the time"oh what was i going to say?" in conversation. Its like i forget mid sentence what i was going to say. Going outside still looks weird but i just deal with it im not nearly as agoraphobic as i was. Ive been driving on my own without panic attacks. I feel like im a 7/10 when at my worst i was a 2/10. It just makes me sad at times that its not going away completely.
My anxiety also has shifted. I used to be more anxious during the day. But now its at night when everyone goes to bed and im awake alone until 4-5am. One thing thats improved is my sleeping. I would sleep 11pm-430am before and toss/turn the whole time. Now i can sleep hard for 12 hours. Its weird. Im still not my normal though. But better than i was. Like u said decent.
I think that our bodies are healing. I think the trauma of tha adrenaline flowing 24/7 for months is goig to take a little bit to completely recover from

06-20-2012, 08:02 AM
Damn this is EXACTLY what im going thru right now. Like verbatim lol i feel so much better reading this.
So i first identified with you when i was at my worst. Now ive adapted to it, i dont panic as much and i feel like im getting better. I stumble still, i stutter when i talk sometimes (never used to) and i say all the time"oh what was i going to say?" in conversation. Its like i forget mid sentence what i was going to say. Going outside still looks weird but i just deal with it im not nearly as agoraphobic as i was. Ive been driving on my own without panic attacks. I feel like im a 7/10 when at my worst i was a 2/10. It just makes me sad at times that its not going away completely.
My anxiety also has shifted. I used to be more anxious during the day. But now its at night when everyone goes to bed and im awake alone until 4-5am. One thing thats improved is my sleeping. I would sleep 11pm-430am before and toss/turn the whole time. Now i can sleep hard for 12 hours. Its weird. Im still not my normal though. But better than i was. Like u said decent.
I think that our bodies are healing. I think the trauma of tha adrenaline flowing 24/7 for months is goig to take a little bit to completely recover from

We are anxiety twins for sure,lol. I'm glad your feeling better then you were. Makes sense that if were freaking out for months straight we're not going to be fully normal for a while LOL. Was that your first bad bout of anxiety? That was mine,and it irritates me it isn't completely gone already because before I used to only have anxiety for maybe 2 weeks at a time on and off,so I had no lasting side effects like this. But after that bs,I'm ecstatic to be functioning again. It's sooo nice being able to do things again isn't it? And about your sleep,I think pretty much everybody with anxiety has weird sleeping patterns. I'm a sleepy person to begin with so like your saying sometimes I can sleep 12 hours easily,anxiety can be just exhausting. Then some nights like last night I keep having vivid dreams and waking up every hour or 2 and have a hard time falling back asleep. I lay there and worry about some random thing that doesn't matter and end up getting maybe 5 hours of sleep. We should try to focus on how far we've come,since we were on a different planet for a while haha!

06-21-2012, 01:08 AM
We are anxiety twins for sure,lol. I'm glad your feeling better then you were. Makes sense that if were freaking out for months straight we're not going to be fully normal for a while LOL. Was that your first bad bout of anxiety? That was mine,and it irritates me it isn't completely gone already because before I used to only have anxiety for maybe 2 weeks at a time on and off,so I had no lasting side effects like this. But after that bs,I'm ecstatic to be functioning again. It's sooo nice being able to do things again isn't it? And about your sleep,I think pretty much everybody with anxiety has weird sleeping patterns. I'm a sleepy person to begin with so like your saying sometimes I can sleep 12 hours easily,anxiety can be just exhausting. Then some nights like last night I keep having vivid dreams and waking up every hour or 2 and have a hard time falling back asleep. I lay there and worry about some random thing that doesn't matter and end up getting maybe 5 hours of sleep. We should try to focus on how far we've come,since we were on a different planet for a while haha!

Yeah this is my first time in such a hell pit of anxiety. I mean ive been anxious before but over situations like school etc but nothing so debilitating that i couldnt do everyday tasks. This has been uncomparable to anything ive ever been through! I just want to feel like i know myself again. I dont feel like im the person i used to be and thats been relaly scary for me. Last night i slept like total crap i dont know why but my mind was RACING i thought about anything and everything at a mile a second. I was sure i was going insane. I kep looking at my phone every so often to see how much time had passed and only 45 min to an hour had passed by. I didnt even know if i had slept at all it was bizarre i would just lay there with my eyes closed thinking thinking thinking... hoping to sleep and i dont know if i ever did. Isnt that bizarre? I got so lost in my thoughts i dont know if i ever slept last night and that freaks me out. I do know that i got up this AM feeling like a truck ran me over. My therapist reassured me today that i wasnt crazy so that made me feel much better lol...i hate racing thoughts... i still cant help but worry that im losing my mind and its the scariest shit for real.

But at the end of the day im glad im overall improving im not a prisoner in the house anymore but id love to get back to really living asap! I guess i shouldnt rush things and give my body time. Im definitely too negative of a thinker. Really should focus more on the positive

06-21-2012, 01:27 AM
Im definitely too negative of a thinker. Really should focus more on the positive

^^ This is precisely your problem. Negative thinking.

In fact, this is core to all anxiousness (and sleeping problems)

You need to try as hard as you possibly can - to think of good/pleasant things and you'll find that, miraculously, all your problems will dissappear in a flash.

06-21-2012, 07:40 AM
Yeah this is my first time in such a hell pit of anxiety. I mean ive been anxious before but over situations like school etc but nothing so debilitating that i couldnt do everyday tasks. This has been uncomparable to anything ive ever been through! I just want to feel like i know myself again. I dont feel like im the person i used to be and thats been relaly scary for me. Last night i slept like total crap i dont know why but my mind was RACING i thought about anything and everything at a mile a second. I was sure i was going insane. I kep looking at my phone every so often to see how much time had passed and only 45 min to an hour had passed by. I didnt even know if i had slept at all it was bizarre i would just lay there with my eyes closed thinking thinking thinking... hoping to sleep and i dont know if i ever did. Isnt that bizarre? I got so lost in my thoughts i dont know if i ever slept last night and that freaks me out. I do know that i got up this AM feeling like a truck ran me over. My therapist reassured me today that i wasnt crazy so that made me feel much better lol...i hate racing thoughts... i still cant help but worry that im losing my mind and its the scariest shit for real.

But at the end of the day im glad im overall improving im not a prisoner in the house anymore but id love to get back to really living asap! I guess i shouldnt rush things and give my body time. Im definitely too negative of a thinker. Really should focus more on the positive

Ugh yeah I can relate to not feeling like you know yourself. Anxiety makes me crabby,clingy or distant,and impatient. Those aren't my personality traits so that makes me feel weird. I know what your talking about with not knowing if you slept. I do that too! It's like you couldn't even guess how long you slept. Pretty sure when your in this state you slept more then you think though. Laying in bed for an hour can seem like 4 hours has passed when you have anxiety since your thinking a mile a minute. I hate how everything can affect sleep. The littlest thing can occupy my thoughts. You know this I'm sure but your not crazy. I read online that if you even have to question your crazy,your not because actual crazy people lose touch with reality and never even once think something is wrong. That's awesome your out of the house. You have to feel a lot better just from that alone. I do, it's just the excitement from this is wearing off and now I'm impatient to be back to my old self. Well,we're getting there for sure.

07-20-2012, 07:36 PM
I feel the same way. I have been dealing with anxiety for 4 years now. The first year was horrible. Very bad time in my life. I could barely function. I am much better now but I still get days where I feel icky. Lightheaded, dizzy, can't think straight. I sometimes wonder if this is going to be something that I'm going to have to deal with for the rest of my life.