View Full Version : Blushing axiety?

06-17-2012, 11:28 PM
So If u have seen my other posts u know I've had anxiety forever. Any how I am wondering if it's just me but since my anxiety started I noticed I blush very easily. I'm not talking my cheeks, I'm talking my entire face is like a lobster! I have always tried to hide it and it doesn't always happen right at the beginning of a conversation but sometimes at odd timing some time after we have spoke. It always happens when I'm put on the spot or complimented. It's horrible and I hate it. Does anyone else suffer from this?

06-18-2012, 07:48 AM
Yes we call what you have, "Childlike Shyness"

You will overcome it if you try really hard, let us know if you need more instructions. There is plenty of articles online.

06-18-2012, 12:59 PM
Ask your doctor about inderal(propranolol) 20mg-40mg for blushing. Alankay.

06-18-2012, 01:10 PM
I never suffered from blushing of the face but the top part of my chest would get very red if I was in situations that made me anxious. It looked awful- a big blotchy rash that was so noticeable. I suffered with this for years and used to wear high necked tops or a scarf to cover it up. Eventually though I just thought bugger it, I really don't care what people think about it. Anyway, I started taking the medication Alan mentioned above (propranolo) a few months ago to help with my increased heart rate and ever since I started it I haven't had a rash on my chest :). No more rashes, less sweating from anxiety and no more palpitations or really fast heart beat.

06-18-2012, 06:09 PM
I'm 20 and have had this problem for years (since middle school). I am better about it now, but I used to blush in all kinds of situations that weren't at all embarrassing - reading aloud in class, talking to people I knew super well, etc. It happened today at work for the first time in a long time when I had to ask a 27-year-old guy a question. I don't even think he's attractive, so I don't know what about it makes me blush. So I don't have much advice, but I thought I would tell you you're not alone!