View Full Version : It is very possible to overcome depression.

06-17-2012, 10:19 AM
I have recovered so much over the years, and it was with a lot of exercise, diet, and community support forums.

If you have someone in your life that is suffocating you, and preventing you from recovering from your depression you need to cut them off.

Do whatever it takes to stop them from hurting you, even if that means you have to scare them, shake them up.

06-19-2012, 08:24 AM
I went to the gym last night and exercised for two hours.

06-19-2012, 08:31 AM
I went to the gym last night and exercised for two hours. I wrote two songs and set some trendz. They made me the source. I started reading a book about the afterlife because I thought it was real, turned out to be fiction.

I want to find a true account of people who have been through what I've been through.

If you know of a site where I can read and my story of neardeath and survival let me know.

07-22-2012, 12:30 PM
Although it's a good idea to stop people who are holding you back, there are so many people that know this, but still do nothing. They'll say "I have to stand up to this person." But they never actually do.