View Full Version : Fear of death and hell. Paranoia. Please help me.

06-16-2012, 11:27 PM
Recently, I have had a major fear of death. I have a paranoid feeling it's coming soon and I can't stop it. I do rituals like shut the door a certain amount of times. Its hard to cope with it and I wish I knew how everyone else does. I'm scared I will burn in hell or be tortured forever because I'm not a perfect Catholic girl. People I talk with try to ease my mind saying things are better on the other side but maybe I'm so negative I tend to think that cant be true does every single person get by and make it to a peaceful place on the other side? I tried reading my bible to make me feel better but I read a line saying Heaven is a place few travel to. I can't cope with it and I beg for someone to help me.

06-16-2012, 11:37 PM
You should check out my last thread, it may help :)