View Full Version : Anxiety and Allegies

06-16-2012, 07:16 PM

Does anyone experience more anxiety when they are confronted with more allergies?

Also, I'm afraid to take allergy medicine, because a lot of then say they can cause anxiety. Has anyone noticed an increase in their anxiety if they do take allergy medicine such as Benadryl or Zyrtec?


06-16-2012, 08:38 PM
I am ok with antihistimines but decongestants like sudafed make me feel really weird. Quite often after taking sudafed or something similar for my sinuses my head feels very strange, I can hear my heart beating and I get a really dry mouth.
People react differently to medications and if you find you are badly affected then either don't take them or take them at bed time. Also when allergies flare up you tend to feel crap anyway, I know that when I get allergic I feel rubbish- watery eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat, itchy skin and tiredness and that can make anxiety feel worse.

06-17-2012, 06:09 AM
Yes, I have horrible alergy issues, mine causes alot of chest congestion which causes chest pain which sets off the anxiety!

As far as meds go, I find that I cannot take the behind the counter meds, anything with a "d" at the end, those seem to increase the anxiety they make your pulse rate go up and give you a horrible jittery feeling.

I find that for me the best meds to use are the ones that are out in the open, something like claritin. As far as benedryl it will make you insanely tired and really groggy and out of it, best to take that before bed.