View Full Version : effexor and seroquel...

06-16-2012, 01:46 PM
Hi all...
My psych doc wants me off valium, prior to valium I was on alprazolam. Been on other benzos and ssri/snris in the past.
I been off cymbalta for almost 2 years until I relapse when my son was a few months.
My doc put me on effexor and seroquel (lowest dosage). I plan on starting next week. Anyone had good experience with these. I had a good run with cymbalta,but this is my first anti-psychotic.
I'm diagnoised with PTSD,somatazation disorder.
Biggest issues is my anxiety, anger and irritation. Thank you
Combat veteran 2003-2004 OIF/OEF

06-17-2012, 12:27 AM
My ex was on Effexor for anxiety and depression and it helped her a lot. I've been on it for migraines and it didn't help w/ those but I didn't have any side effects, and it gets high ratings from patients for it's effectiveness and low side-effects. If I were starting a new medication for anxiety I would probably choose Effexor.

06-17-2012, 02:00 AM
My ex just called me while on seroquel. And shes trashed on it. Took half of the lowest mg pill it comes in. Cant even talk right. I think benzos are probably best for u since anxiety is your biggest complaint. But ive read that seroquel prescribed with an antidepressant is really effective in people with major depression. If thats you, then your doc is spot on. I hope that you are seeing a peychiatrist and not a regular doc. Its a reg doc that wrongly prescribed me an antidepressant and it really messed me up.
Ive never taken seroquel but i know it impairs you. As for antidepressants they didnt work for me but i was wrongly prescribed it. Many people have success on them. You may feel a lil nauseous the first couple weeks but tough it out and you should feel amazing in a couple months. I hear that they are life changing for those who need them and pull people from the pits of hell. I hope you start feeling better soon. Keep us updated. Thanks for your service to our country